Neotropical Birds of Prey by Dave Whitacre

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Neotropical Birds of Prey by Dave Whitacre

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Editado: Jul 5, 2013, 6:04 am

Over the past week I've been browsing through Neotropical Birds of Prey: Biology and Ecology of a Forest Raptor Community by Dave Whitacre. The book is a coffee-table-sized resume of a pioneering nine-year effort by the Peregrine Fund to understand the ecology of an entire Neotropical raptor community: in this case 20 species of diurnal and nocturnal raptor in the semi-deciduous humid lowland forests of the Petén region of northern Guatemala, centring on the Tikal National Park. Although the accounts include a summary of what was known prior to this study, much of the information is previously unpublished. It is an absolutely fascinating compilation, including as it does such charismatic birds as Ornate Hawk-Eagle, Crested Eagle and Orange-breasted Falcon. Highly recommended for anyone interested in either birds of prey or Neotropical birds!