Unshared Books on the Middle East

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Unshared Books on the Middle East

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Jul 1, 2007, 12:15 am

I own a number of books on the Middle East that no one else on LT appears to own. I have been trying to review these, since many of them are not even reviewed at Amazon.

One book on the Middle East that I own that no one else on LT owns is The Kin Who Count: Family and Society in Ottoman Aleppo, 1770-1840. My mini-blurb: "Uses records of the qadi courts in Aleppo to reconstruct economic relationships and family boundaries amongst elites. Provides new perspectives that challenge many stereotypes about families and religious practice in the Middle East. Very well written."

My full review at:

Editado: Jul 1, 2007, 2:59 pm

My contribution to this is:
Robert A Elfers' Sojourn in mosaic
It is fiction and only 88 pages, but I have to confess it is one of those books that I can't remember why I have it.

Another book is:
James Howard Wellard' Desert pilgrimage: journeys to the Egyptian and Sinai deserts,: Completing the third of the trilogy of Saharan explorations, published in 1970.

I got these while living in Detroit.