Nearing the end of my time here...

Charlas30-something LibraryThingers

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Nearing the end of my time here...

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Abr 23, 2013, 7:53 am

Ah, so here we sit on the brink of dormancy and I thought I'd try to nudge some conversation.

So I am about a year and a half from leaving the great expanse that is the 30s to join those of the next decade group.

What I was wondering -- does anyone have plans to finish before they reach age 40? Goals? Books that must be read? Desert Islands to find?

Abr 30, 2013, 1:34 pm

I'm coming up on a birthday but still in my mid-30s. I have no big "to-do" plans before 40. I had "get tenure" on my lifetime to-do list, but it wasn't associated with an age, exactly, and now I've gotten it (yay!).

Most of my things I'd like to do don't have a specific age on them in my head, other than "before I become too creaky to move". And I guess if I can't move, that'll give me more time to read books!

Abr 30, 2013, 4:52 pm

Find out what I'm supposed to do with myself. (I ditched the quest for tenure, but that hasn't done anything to help me discover anything realistically achievable, profession-wise.)

mayo 3, 2013, 4:39 pm

I'd like to do a little more international travel. I've been to the southern Dalmatia coast in Croatia and revisited France.

Oct 4, 2013, 10:55 am

I just aged into this group from the 20-something group yesterday.