Whisky Websites


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Whisky Websites

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Jun 28, 2007, 11:30 pm

Anyone else check out any whisky sites on a regular basis?

I have a few I try to follow regularly - but I'm always looking for a few more




Editado: Jun 29, 2007, 11:48 am

These are all new to me, and thank you for them

My eye was immediately caught by the review of the Brandy Library, which we've been meaning to try for ages, and certainly will in the near future out of curiosity. I can't see us staying for a session, unfortunately, as looking at the list it would appear that you could buy a bottle retail for the cost of two or three shots of most of these!

Turning to the second site, I have to say that seeing a glass charged with mint (ye gods) next to an innocent bottle of Monkey Shoulder made me feel a little queasy.

Jul 20, 2008, 12:16 pm

Here is the one I have bookmarked.



Editado: Ene 8, 2009, 9:52 pm


At the Laphraoig site you can join up as a "friend". You will be given the title to a 12" x 12" plot of land on the island. When you visit, you'll be given a pair of wellies to put on, a sou'wester, a ring buoy for your waist and you can stand on your plot and have a dram on them. I've been a member for a few years now but haven't made it out to the island yet (came close in '04 but the ferries weren't cooperating timewise). They have a newsletter too.

ETA: www.malts.com is fun too