
CharlasDepression and Anxiety: Books That Help

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Ago 18, 2006, 11:59 pm

Yes, I have been diagnosed with depression. But really, it's something that I've always carried with me, heavily. It didn't take an expert to bring my weaknesses to the surface; just myself.

I think the best book that I have ever read on the topic that has helped me to understand depression while at the same time cued into my feelings of artistic individuality and the hidden strengths of the struggle has to be The Noonday Demon by Andrew Solomon. There's a glossy image of an artist as a soul in pain. And while that is often the case, many lose the fight and cannot cope with reality any longer. It appears to be so "romantic", but it kills more than it saves.

Ago 21, 2006, 9:38 pm

Yes, Noonday Demon turned a light on for me too. My copy is highlighted with instances and quotes that made me realize that I'm not alone. A shattering read, if you're so inclined.