Nube de autores para patroclus

Theodor W. Adorno(1) J. Romilly Allen(1) Camille Bacon-Smith(1) Roland Barthes(1) Jean Baudrillard(1) Tonino Benacquista(1) Susan Blackmore(1) David Bodanis(1) Giuliano Bonfante(1) Malcolm Bradbury(1) Melvyn Bragg(1) Gene Brewer(1) Stephen Brook(1) Christopher Campbell-Howes(2) John Carey(1) Emmanuel Carrère(1) Justin Cartwright(1) Manuel Castells(1) John Chadwick(1) Susan Cooper(1) Douglas Coupland(1) Richard Coyne(1) William Arthur Cummins(1) Lawrence Durrell(1) Krzysztof Dydynski(1) Geoff Dyer(1) Umberto Eco(1) James Essinger(1) Georgina Ferry(1) John Fiske(1) Mary Flanagan(1) Tim Footman(2) Jostein Gaarder(1) Stella Gibbons(1) William Gibson(1) William Gibson and Bruce Sterling(1) James Gleick(1) Seth Godin(1) Ben Goldacre(1) Norm Goldstein(1) Jack Goody(1) M. A. K. Halliday(1) Wendy Harcourt(1) Terence Hawkes(1) David Held(1) George Henderson(1) Nolan Hester(1) Tobias Hill(1) Andrew Hodges(1) Richard Hoggart(1) John Humphrys(1) Jane Jacobs(1) Jeff Jarvis(1) Henry Jenkins(2) Steven Johnson(3) Steven A. Johnson(2) Gill Kirkup(1) Hanif Kureishi(1) Thomas Levenson(1) Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner(1) Elfrea Lockley(1) Geoff Manaugh(1) Ian McEwan(1) Richard Middleton(1) Larry Milne(1) Reza Negarestani(1) W. F. H. Nicolaisen(1) Judith O'Reilly(1) Marie Phillips(1) Friday Project(1) Editors Of Perseus Publishing(1) Thomas Pynchon(1) Jim Rossignol(1) Annie Sanders(1) Marcus du Sautoy(1) Dorothy L. Sayers(1) Ben Schott(1) Clay Shirky(1) Seth Shulman(1) Simon Singh(1) Tom Standage(1) Neal Stephenson(6) Nick Stevenson(1) John Storey(1) Doron Swade(1) E. P. Thompson(1) Gillian Tindall(1) Jenny Uglow(1) Voltaire(1) Margaret Walters(1) Raymond Williams(3) Stephen Wolfram(1) Christian Wolmar(1)