Premios de literatura para johaneje

Premios otorgados a libros en la biblioteca de johaneje

Resumen: 26 Awards and Honors

100 книг non-fiction от The Prime Russian Magazine

1001 böcker du måste läsa innan du dör

I 20 libri italiani del decennio

200 best non-fiction books according to Afisha Magazine

I 50 Libri del Decennio

50 Philosophy Classics


The best novels of the Baltic and Scandinavian countries


Christian Science Monitor Best Book

Dei 25 beste norske romanane og novellesamlingane dei siste 25 åra

The Economist Best Books

Edoardo Kihlgren Opera Prima - Città di Milano

Financial Times and Schroders Business Book of the Year

Gerald Loeb Award for Distinguished Business and Financial Journalism


getAbstract International Book Award

Most Significant Futures Works

New York Times bestseller

Opera Prima

Premio Viareggio Rèpaci

Prix Européen des Jeunes Lecteurs

Reading the world in 196 books

Århundradets svenska böcker

Главные книги XXI века по версии Republic

Самые читаемые книги на LiveLib