Series de libros para jhedemann

Series a las que pertenecen libros de la biblioteca de jhedemann

Resumen: 71 Serie

The Age of Arthur

Amelia Butterworth


Arthurian legends

The Arthurian Merlin Saga

Avalon High

Avalon High: Coronation

Beka Cooper

Books of Merlin

Caleb Sweetwater

Camulod Chronicles

The Celtic Crusades

Chronicles of King Arthur

Chronicles of Narnia: Chronological

Chronicles of Narnia: Publication order

Chrysalis Queen Quartet

Chrétian's Arthurian Romances

Circle of Magic

The Circle Opens

The Circle Reforged

The Circle Universe

Dark Ages {Massie}

Down the Long Wind

Dragon King Trilogy

Ebenezer Gryce

Elements of Series

Forgotten Forest

The Grail Quest

The Great Tree of Avalon


Hercule Poirot

Hudson Talbott's Tales of King Arthur

The Immortals Quartet



Keltiad Chronological Order

Keltiad Publication Order

King Arthur Trilogy

King Raven Trilogy

The Knights' Tales

The Lost Years of Merlin

Mary Russell

Mary Russell: Chronological Order

The Merlin Saga

Merlin's Dragon

Merlin's Godson

Mordred Duology

O'Keefe Family

The Once and Future King

Paths to Camelot

The Pendragon Cycle

Prose Lancelot, or the Vulgate Cycle

Protector of the Small Quartet

Queen of Camelot

Realm of the Elderlings

Sally Lockhart Mysteries

The Saxon Chronicles

Song of Albion

Song of the Lioness Quartet

The Squire's Tales

Superintendent Battle

Tales of Arthur

The Tawny Man

Templar Trilogy

The Time Quintet

Tortall Universe

Trickster Duology

The Warlord Chronicles

The Warlord Chronicles - Il romanzo di Excalibur

We Are All Legends

Young Merlin Trilogy