Series de libros para burguillos

Series a las que pertenecen libros de la biblioteca de burguillos

Resumen: 39 Serie

The Adventures of Joseph Rouletabille


Bat Pat

Baztan Trilogy

Bernie Gunther

Bevilacqua y Chamorro

Caribbean Islands Saga

Cato Isaksen

The Century Trilogy


Cronache del regno della fantasia

Crónicas de la Torre

Daniel Trokic

Diary of a Wimpy Kid


Dumbo (Disney)

Earth's Children

El Asesinato de Pitágoras

Episodes in an interminable war

Fantasia / The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Disney)

Frozen (Disney)

Geronimo Stilton

Geronimo Stilton and the Kingdom of Fantasy

Geronimo Stilton Cavemice

Harry Hole

The Hobbit Chronicles

Ice Age (Blue Sky Studios)

The Jungle Book (Disney)

Madagascar (Dreamworks)

Milla & Sugar

Philip Marlowe


Reykjavik Wartime Mysteries

A Song of Ice and Fire

Theodore Boone

Trilogy of Fog

Trilogía de Trajano

Trio Beta

The Wolf of Wall Street