Series de libros para HannuB

Series a las que pertenecen libros de la biblioteca de HannuB

Resumen: 49 Serie

All Set In Beerlight


The Anubis Gates

Autumn Rain

Bel Dame Apocrypha

The Book of the New Sun

Chronicles of Master Li and Number Ten Ox

Chronicles of the King's Tramp


Clockwork Earth

The Complete Chronicles of Thomas Covenant


Discworld: Rincewind

The Dying Earth

Embers of War

Empire State


The Fisher King trilogy

Jacob's Ladder

Jean le Flambeur

Jenny Casey

Jerusalem Quartet

The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant

The Laundry

Legends Of The Red Sun

Malazan Book of the Fallen

Malazan Chronology



Polity Universe

Polity Universe - Publication Order

Polity: Ian Cormac

Polity: Spatterjay

The Poppy War

The Prince of Nothing


Religion, Race, and Ethnicity

Romantic Poets and Nephilim

The Second Apocalypse

Shadows of the Apt

Solar Cycle

The Soldier Series


Spin Series

Tom Rynosseros

Under Heaven

The Vorrh

World of Malazan

Ægypt Cycle