Premios de literatura para Buchling

Premios otorgados a libros en la biblioteca de Buchling

Resumen: 21 Awards and Honors

Die 100 Lieblingsbücher der Wiener

16 Of The Best Science Books of All Time

200 best non-fiction books according to Afisha Magazine

500 Must Read Books

ALA Outstanding Books for the College Bound Best Books

Baillie Gifford Prize for Non-Fiction

Descartes Prize for Science Communication

Jury der jungen Leser

KIB - Non Fiction books everyone should read

New York Times bestseller

Phantastik-Preis der Stadt Wetzlar

Public Libraries’ Chart Toppers

Royal Society Trivedi Science Book Prize

UC Berkeley Summer Reading List

UK's Most Borrowed Book of the Decade 1999-2009

UK’s Most Borrowed Book of the Decade 1999-2009

Whitcoulls Top 100 Books

The White Ravens

Wissensbuch des Jahres

Книжный клуб «Элементов»