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Sobre mi biblioteca
"I am *not* a great reader, and I take pleasure in many things."

Although that is a quote from a famous book, hahaha.


I think I'm only going to be listing those books I consider worth keeping, and not all the ones that I read 60-100 pages of before realizing it's just eating up space, and chucking.


I'm also only going to review the books that are the very best. [The non-best I sometimes comment about, usually in the "Summary" section, although because people mis-use their faculty of judgment by rejecting the wrong things-- by the author of "The Hater's Guide to Feelings", right-- I really try to refrain from any criticism except non-shelving, non-cataloging books.]

{A lot of times the movie reviews they put on the news are slams, which end up being pretty ego-based, it comes off like: I'm better than this movie. (One of the novels I read, they had a part where these anonymous internet goons sit around slandering a female celebrity, and it made me think that there are some things that everybody likes to connect to, it's just that some people love to love because they're lovers and others love to hate because they're haters.) Of course, reviews that favor the subject can be ego-based too: through this, I beat you.}


There would be many more romance books, except that people are cruel, casual, and ordinary-- so what happens in realistic fiction. I mean, I know one time I called Jane Austen a science fiction novelist. For she wrote by faith and not by sight.


Explanations of tags:

Spirituality. This group is organized by type of writing, not type of religion, see below.

Spiritual text. An inspired work, such as the Bible.

Spiritual commentary. An explanation of the Bible or another inspired text.

Spiritual teaching. A writing about a topic rather than a text. The broadest subgroup.

Spiritual devotional. Writings with daily readings.

Spiritual community. Writing about or for the use of a faith community, such as a church.

Fiction. It's about the art of getting the general out of the particular.

Romance novel: The light and fun type of story, especially one revolving around a relationship.

Personality novel: A more literary type of story, with more of the focus on a single person, but still somewhat romantic as well. Sometimes spiritual.

World drama fiction: A popular story about the fate of the world and such.

Personal crisis fiction: For cases of murder and other intense personal drama. It is like its literary sibling, the personality novel category, but it is notably darker.


I'm also creating tags that include both fiction and nonfiction, based on the four fiction categories.




Sophie Kinsella. The modern girl.


Wayne Dyer. Intellect without ego. Spirituality, from a humanities background.

Deepak Chopra. Science and spirituality.


Tags or categories can only suggest things; really the theory has to yield to the particular. The purpose of my having novels is to supplement a knowledge of human potential and the unity of things (spirituality) with some care for particulars and what people experience for whatever reason (stories). "And then Mr Collins said, I do not read novels." But a novel that simply is stuffy and pointless serves no purpose. I mean, sometimes what is called literary fiction is good: they have to justify somehow, not drenching the thing with blood and bloody revenge. And novels are not just about imaginary people, but "themes", re-occurring aspects of life. But it still only really works of you want it to.... Literary lit is often just like a light show or something: quasi-medieval or baroque and "expensive" just to prove you can. (Although if the writers work in earnest, they should eventually be paid, and you shouldn't imagine you've complimented them by paying $1 at a used book corner-- although this is a tangent, since by "expensive" I obviously referred to conceit.) The key is to think of the author as a person. If she tells you about someone she clearly cares about, respect her. If you she doesn't, and can turn the book over and read the back jacket in a tone of voice like you're mocking a friend-- I wish I had a crap novel to hand for an example, but most novels are crap-- and it's all air, High and Profound and Discerning and Clever Like You, then imagine what you would say to this girl if she were bullshitting you with words to your face, and toss it back on the rack with a little disdain.


But when I see the unhappiness of the worker, whose circumstances have brought him some pain, or who for some reason has not fulfilled his responsibilities, then I remember the life of the mind, which can bring a man from the sermon of his dejection to the knowledge of the supreme secrets, that your thought can change your life, and that your thought is all you have. So when I look from the ruined family life of the ignorant to the peace beyond understanding in all circumstance of the wise, I actually come to respect the thinker in all that he does, if he will but will to do it well.


But seriously, I'm going to try not to waste all of my time listing the books that I found out were crap immediately upon trying to read them.

I'm actually starting to think I should really reserve a certain amount of space for authors I already know are good, as it can be wasteful to not read the rest of their catalog, once you've discovered they actually know how to write.

And to cut down on the dead on arrival books, right. Chapter One, When the Spin Stops.


I've also started a quest to get all the books that Wayne Dyer refers to. I like quality.
Sobre mí
I know that the picture is tilted wrong. I'm cray.

I actually used to be far more cray, and creative too. Now I'm more sane, comparatively speaking. Being cray is embarrassing, but not being cray is a little disappointing....


I was going to call myself "cautiouslybibliophilic", but that was too long for the system. I mean, I don't think I'd take things to extremes, and say I never even saw a book I didn't like.

On the other hand, I've accepted the saying (of Wayne Dyer) that we are supported by the things we love, and weakened by the things we hate, and another saying (of Louise Hay) that we should give up criticizing.


"They who brag do not endure."


I'm an idealist. I want everything to be just so, and if it's not, I get upset and start to explain why.

I'm also a romantic, in a way. I believe in finding the right girl, as an exercise in finding myself.


I can also be very critical, which is something I am now consciously correcting.


Although what I really want to call myself now is Bill Badger, after the character from "Rupert". I don't know why I always revisit childhood, but there's always something more left to discover.

In terms of what I'd actually like to do with my education or training, I'd like to learn to move beyond judgment and categories and duality, although I'm sure it's obvious that I see people as separate all the time.


The way I am, part of me wishes this catalog had begun earlier and was more comprehensive; maybe I'll help a younger family member start more of a life list. But I wasn't always in a good place before, and really I am not the same person now that I was then. And I think I started this one off on the right foot.
Tinton Falls, NJ

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