
Storytime: Preschool & School Age (165), Storytime: Preschool (118), Storytime: Toddler & Preschool (83), Storytime: Toddler (16), Storytime :Toddler (7), Biography (6), Storytime: Toddler (I Can Read) (6), Preschool & School Age (6), Storytime: Preschool (easy read) (5), Storytime: Toddler & Preschool: Fun (5), Storytime :Preschool & School Age (4), Nonfiction (4), Refugee (4), Flannel Story (3), Holiday Storytime: Toddler & Preschool (3), Teacher book! (3), Storytime: School Age (3), Storytime: Preschool & School age. Could make it an art activity with random things (3), Storytime: Preschool & School Age (pop-up) (3), Craft Ideas (3), Fun moveable book about the beach. (3), Interactive (3), Storytime: Preschool: Birthday Book (2), Storytime: Baby (2), Activty book (2), Simple book that names animals (male & female) and groups of animals. (2), 43 (2), Storytime: Preschool & School Age: Fun truck book that folds out. (2), Storytime: Toddler and Preschool Rhyming fun! (2), Preschool & School Age (Pop-up) (2), Storytime : Preschool & School Age (2), Fold-out book (2), Great illustrations! (2), Fun simple shark fact book (2), Fun (2), Making friends with people who may not be our friends at first. (1), Great non-fiction book about blue whales (1), Great potty book! (1), Fun simple book about reading and all the fun places you can do it. (1), Storytime:Toddler & Preschool: B book about many things that start with the letter B. (1), Great non-fiction book about Polar bears. (1), Inclusive story about how things are when you have a special needs sibling. (1), Great nonfiction book about elephants (1), Simple color story. (1), Great Flannel board story (1), Clothes and being nervous. (1), fun sweet story about staring kindergarten (1), 1942. She loved science but was told that girls did not study science. She graduated with a BS in chemistry in 1964 and her MS form Howard in 1968. She co-founded the American Institute for the prevention of blindness in 1977 and completes the invention o (1), Be careful what you wish for. (1), Simple story about how to be brave. (1), Sweet story about friends who believe they are twin and all the things that go along with being twins. (1), Play on Goldilocks and the three bears Halloween story (1), Great storytime book about storytime! (1), Storytime: School age-Getting lost is easy but finding your way home takes a lot of steps. Great book about elevation and finding markers in your surroundings (1), Great grand parent story (Asian American) (1), Great story about Harpreet and this patrkas that show is feelings on his head. Story about Sikhs. (1), Simple but graphic story about how creating time machine could cause you problems in school. (1), Great book about working hard. Educational about Japan and Sumo (1), Being who you are and not being held to someones else's idea of what you should be. (1), How we percieve time differently because of what is happening to us or where we are. (1), Learing how to do things perfectly is hard but staying with it and doing it your way can turn out perfectly. Asian food (1), Great weather/windy book (1), (Bilingual) Funny retelling of the princess and the pea. (1), Eugenie Clark loved fish. She studied sharks and made many new discoveries about them and became the known as the "shark lady" (1), Patricia Era Bath was born in Harlem on Nov. 4 (1), Fun story about working as a team (1), started Stanford at age 16 and received her BS in chemical engineering in 1977 Shen them got her MD in 1981 and them worked with the Peace Corps. She applied to NASA's astronaut training program in 1987 and became the first African American female astrona (1), about a little rhino who thinks he is in charge of everything and everyone. He soon learns that he is not. (1), Story about friends from different places and things they eat. (1), Simple book about different types of birds. (1), Max is a very busy cat (cat adventures). (1), Story about Rosa Parks told from a little boy on the bus. (1), Story about N. Korea and people in the South trying to send food over by balloons. (1), Simple but beautiful story about our National parks (1), Funny pigeon story. (1), Story about a one day sale on potato pants. Funny and engaging. (1), Yeti is afraid of the dark but is he will brave if for a friend. (1), Story about how big boys do cry and that's okay. (1), Fun rhyming story about a baby playing with his daddy and papa. (1), Fun simple story about birds (1), math and balance. (1), Fun book about shapes and vocabulary of shapes. (1), 1956 in Alabama. She graduated in 1973 (1), story told though sounds. (1), story about a tiny turtle that will brave anything for his Sarah (1), Funny story about wanting something you do no need but may come in handy at a later time. (1), Funny story about using our mouths only for food and not biting. (1), Fun book using circles and and divisions of that circle to create pictures. There is also a Picture Pie 2! (1), Flannel board Idea-Great counting book with butterflies and flowers (1), Maria Sibylla Merian Loved to study nature. She became a scientist (1), moth and frogs do not spring form mud. (1), Fun rhyming story about science and sheep. (1), an artist and an explorer. Today as a result of her careful studies we know that butterflies (1), Storytime: STEAM picture book about a girl who love technology but gets a doll. (1), Storytime: Scientific in nature but a fun quick read for little ones. (1), Joan Proctor loved reptiles. Her close study of them lead to her become the curator of the Natural History Museum during the war. She them moved on to curator of reptiles at the London Zoo. (1), Mea Carol Jameson was born Oct. 17 (1), Great simple book about Dia de los muertos! (1), You may not like everything at a party and that is okay. (1), Buns teaches us that kindness is a superpower! (1), Funny story about poop and the many uses of the word. (1), Story about not being afraid of scary things at night. (1), Book about adoption (1), Storytime: Great fun and educational book about Pluto and other planets in our solar system. (1), Fun winter book (1), book about monster and the science behind some of our favorites. (1), Great Koran folk tale (1), Fun and crazy book about colors and all that entails (like feelings) (1), Book about museums and finding a painting that speaks to you. (1), Simple fun book about dressing up a Snowman but finding other uses for this clothes. (1), Valentines day book (1), Book about a child wanting to be animals (1), Story about traditions that are passed down to children. (1), Great book about dinosaurs (many types) and their evolution in to birds (many kinds) (1), Fun and sparkly story about Unicorns. (1), Fathers day story. (1), Great rhyming story about being thankful! (1), Simple fun book about trains and snakes. (1), Mom story (1), Fun simple yoga using animals as a guide (1), Fun craft book with some animal facts! (1), Fun food and colors book! (1), Samson is slow but a great friend (1), Fun veggie or alien book (1), maps and books! (1), Good Flannel story! (1), Interactive book. (1), Fun LA/LantinX story (1), Story about feeling differnt and not ready to leave home for camp. (1), Cute story would be a fun flannel story! (1), Book about the best place to read book. (1), Great book about going on a space walk (funny not factual). (1), this truck is tough. Great book about how and what a truck can do. (1), Native American simple book in verse about fry bread and how it brings people together. (1), Our passion in life can very form art (1), to animals to math! (1), All about Australian immigrants. (1), Fun Halloween (1), Book about math and how we use it everyday (1), even if we do not like it. (1), Story about Greta Thunberg and how she decided to do something about climate change and this encouraged other around the world to join her. (1), Story about how different animals sleep and how we sleep. Interactive and simple good for family or preschool storytime. (1), Great non-fiction simple book about being as Asian woman in science in the early 1930's. (1), Nutcracker story told in onomatopoeia (through or with sounds). (1), Simple words to the sesame street theme song with cute pictures. (1), Great story about being a a great help but sometimes you need to say no. (1), Storytime: Preschool & Early School Age (1), Story about being kind and helping your grandparents out when they need you. (1), Funny story about animals and their parents. (1), Great book about biomes. (1), Even Unicorns have bad days and that is okay! (1), Simple actions can mean a lot to others. (1), Great picture book that talks about death. (1), Tiger takes care of a baby bird and teaches it to be a tiger. (1), Great big truck book that teaches us patience. (1), Seeds are great things but can also cause damage but we need to learn to live with changes. (1), Writting letters can be a kind and thoughtful thing to do. (1), Imaginary friends are always with us. (1), Great imaginations can lead to great things (1), New things can be hard to understand but taking time to learn about them they may turn out to be a great friend. (1), Funny story about a pet dragon. (1), Rhyming is fun and can be contagious. (1), Fun way to look at and learn about Pluto and the other planets (1), Great little story about mini heroes and the work that do everyday. (1), Simple fun story about different animal dads. (1), reading (1), A sweet story about being shy and trying to overcome that to meet a friend. (1), Great fun Star Wars story for all ages. (1), Fun tongue twisting story for groundhog day. (1), Story about sadness and some way to work it out. (1), Great story for parents and all the ways they love you! (1), Storytime: Toddler & Preschool: Simple story about love and hearts. (1), Story about how we lift our hands up for everyday things but also can mean much more. To protest our stand up for human rights we have Hands UP! (1), Font Dyslexie: This font specifically for dyslexic readers (1), designed to make letters more distinct from one another and keep them tied down. (1), Great simple story about interesting foods. (1), Great story about the Right to vote in this country for people of color. (1), Fun take on a classic story (1), Sweet story about taking care of little ones and being a good parent. (1), Great fun story about love and hugs (1), story about feelings and how it is fine to feel them. (1), Story about words that have different meanings but sound the same and how we should take other feelings into account. (1), Fun and silly interactive story for kids. (1), Great story about how Superheros deal with their feelings and how we can do the same. (1), Fun story for a music storytime. (1), Great story about new babies and what to expect. (1), Simple story of an adult and child doing things together. (1), Call and response story for a Valentines Day or Father's Day storytime. (1), Great book about major religions in the world with a concise and easy desribtion of each (1), Great story about Nelson Mendela told from his families point of view (1), Great book with new words and synonyms. (1), Story about one man's love of books and his need to share that with others who may not be able to afford or have access to books. (1), Story about what can be done with a string (yarn) and a great imagination (1), Story about overwhelming feelings and how to cool down from them. (1), Superheros can make mistakes. (1), Story about a different type of pig looking for a home that fits him. (1), Simple story about who each person is different and special (1), Cats are divas but they can be good friends too. (1), Finding a great place to read is very important! (1), Story about true friends and peer pressure (Great pictures!!) (1), Sweet story about a bear and a hat. Lessons are learned when you find someone who may need something of yours more than you do. (1), Insects (1), Adventure (1), Cats (1), Pirates (1), Simple (1), party book (1), Action book (1), Story about love and finding that right person. (1), Sweet story that explains alzheimer's or getting older and forgetting things. (1), Sweet story working at getting better things you are trying for the first time. (1), Fun filled fact book about popcorn and the long history of this fun food. (1), Story about being sand and having a friend that will just listen (1), Great book about shark facts and how miss understood they are. (1), Starting school is scary but you need to treat others like you want to be treated. (1), Great story about a Lady who wanted to learn and started a forest in the desert. (San Diego) (1), Simple great story that juxtapositions our Flag with other things in America. Great patriotic story for young children. (1), Great true story about cats and their people. (1), Stroytime: Activity book about Yoga and simple fun instructions for all ages. (1), Great book that shows the similarities and differences between Iran and America. Through the eyes of a child. (1), Storytime:Toddler/Preschool/School age: great book about how we learn to read and treat book. (1), Friendship comes in all forms (1), Great rhyming story about proper bats (1), Father's day story about how we never think our dads are as cool as others. (1), Great pig pug story. Kind of a tongue twister. (1), Birthday story and interactive shape book. (1), Winning is very important to Pig and will do anything to do that. But that can get him into trouble. Will he learn his lesson? (1), Sweet story about friends and graditude. (1), Wordless picture book: Girl takes bad things that happen to her and turns them into great things for others. (1), Nonfiction: Great nonfiction for Valentines day or pink stories all the animals are pink! (1), Cute story about love of the electrical kind. (1), Fun book that uses pictures to make words (1), Story about team work! (1), Shows the importance of the changing seasons. (1), Funny potty book! (1), Funny how we can be the same and yet so different. (1), Beautiful story about Paws a loving and faithful dog at the end of his life. (1), Great simple story about different types of art. (1), About women who did great things and how Isabella will be them and do those great things. (1), Isabella will be many different book characters in this book. (1), Be who you are not who others say you should be. (1), Great Dad story! (1), Fun story about getting a head of yourself. (1), Interactive hi-five story. (1), Fun food story. (1), Simple descriptive story about sports. (1), Cute animal story with a flamingo that keeps getting out! (1), Storytime: School Age: Great camping rhyming story. (1), Fun and simple mommy story! (1), Funny panda story (1), Fun race story with many familiar fairy tail characters that we know and love. Girl power! (1), Super hero Rules to live by. (1), T-Rexs are loving brothers too. (1), Funny library book. (1), Great fairy story. (1), FATHER'S DAY STORY (1), Great story about holding hands (1), Funny and simple story about imagination and unicorns. (1), Cute rhyming story about babies (1), Funny rhyming story about Pug the pig and hygine. (1), 14 small stories about women who changed the world (1), sweet story about the importance of reading to your child. (1), Simple fun story about how powerful books/librarians can be. (1), Counting and polar animals (1), Find the dinosaur (1), Parents missing out on things because thier head is down and eyes on the phone. (1), Great simple story but very detailed description of the nine months of gestation for a human baby. (1), Fun book about cause and effect. Board Book (1), Fun simple song story about a pet dino (1), Simple and fun book about opposites. Board Book (1), Story about how you feel verses how others think you should feel. It' ok to be grumpy! (1), Storytitme: Preschool & School age: Fun book about the importance of losing. (1), Wordy friends can be good friends. (1), Caring for others can make you brave (1), Love the Pictures (1), poems are ok (1), True story about a girl who thought differently but was very successful. (1), True story about the first female to run the Boston Marathon! (1), Poems written in the style of other poets. (1), Interactive story involving High Fives. (1), Story about the everyday struggles of many girls and women living in Africa. (1), Great simple and fun poems about babies. (1), Poems made from words (1), Great list of famous trees around the world (1), Great story about the Cherokee people and one woman who made her way to lead the Cherokee Nation. (1), Book about books and how important they are (1), Great story about different types of poems (1), Book about how books should be shared (1), simple book about a spring time festival in India but also about colors and flowers. (1), Story in Verse. (1), Poetry book about friends (1), different types of poems and trees. (1), Fun animal fact book for babies (1), Simple find the animalsbook but tells a very important story. (1), Great board book that gives examples of words that sound the same but have very different meaning homophones. (1), Fashion and color (1), How to become a astronaut and fun facts at the end. (1), Funny and panda book. (1), Story about different families and sharing. (1), Geese and Farm (1)
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Feb 4, 2008
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