
Nombre verdadero
Srikanth Venkateswaran
Sobre mi biblioteca
Mainly fiction. Mostly English and Indian authors. Card-carrying member of the British Library.
Sobre mí
There's the Woody Allen joke, incorrectly attributed to Groucho Marx, but supposedly Freud's:
"I would never want to belong to any club that would have someone like me for a member."

My life's variation of the joke:
"I joined two clubs once. Both kicked me out because I was a member of the other one."

The only club left is the Dead Poets's society,where "wailing banshees, dishevelled poets, disgraced scientists and disgruntled engineers beat a sorrowful dirge about my lamentable past". Or is it a lamentable dirge about my sorrowful past? Seems like both.

Anyway, now everything's clear to you.
Bangalore, India
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