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Nov 1, 2012
Nombre verdadero
Elizabeth Baxter
Sobre mí
I've been a bookworm since I was five years old. The first book I ever read was a crappy story about a boy going shopping with his mum. I picked it up from my brother's bedroom floor and suddenly those strange shapes on the page made sense. I could read! Hallelujah! I was soon working my way steadily through the school library and it wasn't long before I realised that stories about dragons, elves and great big talking lions were by far the most interesting. And that was it, my obsession with fantasy fiction was born. Hence, my blog about fantasy writing, both my own and others (with a healthy dose of humour and worldly observation thrown in.)

I wrote and published my first book when I was seven. This was a rip-roaring adventure tale called “The Golden Pheasant,” about, well, a golden pheasant. I wrote out three copies on bits of paper pulled from my school books, bound them in covers made from old cereal boxes, and gave them out to my teachers. And that’s it. I was a writer! (Ahem.) These days I write fantasy novels and short stories, published both in the UK and US.

When I’m not writing I enjoy playing tennis (badly), playing the guitar (very badly) and watching cricket whenever I can. I’m also intent on cramming as much world travel as I can into one lifetime. Funny, but my list keeps getting longer. You can never see it all can you?
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