
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Jan 3, 2019
Nombre verdadero
Rob Kall
Sobre mi biblioteca
This is a tiny sample. I'm a recovering bibliomaniac. I've culled my collection down from about 15,000 books to 5000. the problem is, as a show host, I receive 5-10 books per week, mostly unsolicited. I've interviewed over 400 guest and most have had books we discussed.I have almost two bookcases full of books by people I've interviewed. What's great about that is when I read a book, I keep notes on the questions I want to ask of the author.
Sobre mí
Short bio:
Author: The Bottom-up Revolution; Mastering the Emerging World of Connectivity,
Host, Bottom-up Show, on Pacifica Radio network, Progressive Radio Network, iTunes, soundcloud and opednews.com/podcasts
Founder/publisher of OpEdNews.com 2400+ articles at https://OpEdNews.com/rob
Founder of The Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology summit meeting-- first conference ever held on positive psychology, the Storycon Summit Meeting on the Art, Science and Application of Story
Winter Brain Conference.
Founder, Futurehealth.org
Software Architect
see https://robkall.com
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