
to read (8), newspaper (8), npr (4), printers row recommendation (2), rec HP book club (2), suggested by Erma May 2014 (2), recommended by kieran (2), read for book club and thought it was an amazing story would recommend both men and women. Everyone in book club loved it although it was wonderfully written very disturbing story POW camp (1), npr maybe for paul I can't remember (1), reading 2-22-12 i think for the second time (1), recommended by Carol liked it...about priest/ and his family after being accused of pedi. (1), brigid rec. enjoyed it while visiting florida. (1), rec bt noreen author writes all about sanibel island etc. (1), good book about hemingway and his first marriage very nice read and the book club enjoyed it (1), suggested by Erma for book Club (1), suggested by Erma for Book club (1), read for book club.3-2012 enjoyed the writing very much and the lively discussion but the story didn't grab me recommended by terri for book club (1), recommended by john brennan (1), rec bt arlene (1), to read (Erma) interesting book of a young man chosen by he government to be a dancer and how he is taken from his family and what happens as he grows to be a phenomal dancer (1), npr thought paul etc would like this (1), lovely movie I did not read the book but it is about a family being separated during wwII and the child holding the family homes key and what happens (1), npr for lu (1), npr thought for bill (1), read this and enjoyed it suggested by Erma for book club (1), rec by Anna at physical therapy (1), learned about this island located in the english channel and it life during ww II (1), erma recommended and i liked it very much (1), enjoyed the book and will look forward to the movie. 2011 movie was good too (1), recommended by terri in book club read it for book club learned alot and found it amazing story but a bit to heavy in the science part (1), laughed alot she is 69 when she is writing this so I found many similiarities (1), two of which were adopted. the accident which in turn finds the biological mother of the boys (1), the book is about the former boston mayor and his sons (1), from newspaper; again enjoyed her writing (1), I like her writing and will look forward to another of hers ----family becomes friendly with the sons friend who it turns out is very troubled and it has a very sad ending (1), rec.by maryann 10/10 enjoyed it very much (1), how we live and then grieve(tree falls on the house wife dies and the husband moves out but the wife comes and appears to him on occasions (1), rec by Marion Briggs (1), enjoyed the book for book club sept.2012 took place in mississippi and it is about a man that was wrongfully accused but not found guilty of murders story of friendship betweein larry ott and silas nickname 32 from his baseball career families living in t (1), really good story of a father trying to believe in his son (1), rec by mary kay for 2014 book club read for book club Tedious reading (1), brothers town (1), kathy rec for book club for 2014 Read for book club and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Family (1), NPR interview thought it sounded funny and interesting about end of life with aging parents. (1), Rec.by susan...nice book for a summer read I enjoyed it (1), rec.on NPR sounded good about medical ethics (1), rec by erma enjoyed (1), but kept me in it.....(current) .takes place in england at a private school Oswald ..caretaker of the school and his child. Interesting characters but a bit disturbing what takes place and why (1), read for HP book club. well written (1), read in December 2013 enjoyed it...wife found a note of the husband that if he died she should open it....she asked him about it ..he had killed a 17 year classmate years ago...another young boy was always thought the killer but not proven...some twists (1), interesting about the native americans (1), Maryann best seller list Really like this in book club....woman who leaves her husband but fakes it all and comes back gets pregnant by frozen sperm!!! (1), rec by Diane Callaghan book club thought this was okay (1), rec by HP Book club.....will have to check author READ for book club 2013 and great discussion ....woman (1), read for book club...rec by Winn ladies enjoyed it and had a lively conversation about what they were to do with this baby found and then finding the real mom (1), girls of the book club thought it was okay (1), book club selection winter storm it was okay (1), real simple recommendation (1), rec HP Book Club (1), rec by erma ....will check to see if it is the correct author (1), rec by terri in book club (1), read for book club can't remember it at this time! (1), rec by trini did not like this book at all.......difficult read.....interesting characters though....did not come together for me (1), read for Heritage Palm book club. enjoyed the book and the discussion story takes place in Colorado where the Japanese were incarcerated during WWII the changes in the town (1), mary mahoney rec i really liked this book (1), rec by mickey fastest book i ever read! disturbing but good story and well written may look for others of his (1), not sure who rec...woman from chicago wrote a book she thought her book club wouldn't be able to put down (1), a bit long for me but I enjoyed it// twins born to Mary joseph Praise and the surgeon Thomas Stone...........liver needed (1), renee recommended (1), reading finally in Sept 2012 (1), read it and enjoyed it quick read. not sure of its embellishment (1), read July 2012 liked the story although disturbing (1), for bill to read (1), to ready (Erma)) (1), read december 2009 enjoyed (1), buy for bill to take to florida (1), book club 2009 Erma good book departure from what I normally read now on to the triliogy and movies! (1), dying grandpa (1), interesting aunt (1), book club 2009 strict religious father (1), carol kalseth excellent book of a jewish family in Canada and there trials .....author is 90 years old (1), must say i liked it but would not look to reading others like it. (1), book club 2009 wow what a different book (1), story of very young woman in china who work in the silk factory -who have left there homes at a very young age to make money for the family (1), read december 2009 enjoyed this book very much Vermeer's painting and its travels (1), book club 2010 enjoyed this book and the interpretation by barbara Ranelli (1), For Bill (1), to Read (Erma) (1), to read (Erma) (1), found this book very interesting regarding my eating habits will read again (1), needs (1), great characters (1), WSJ (1), trini (1), from NPR (1), kieran (1), husbands (1), read for book club (1), Harvard professor diagnosed with Alzheimers (1), for book club (1), light and funny (1), second of trilogy (1), recommended by carol (1), book club 2009 (1), enjoyed it (1), Hong Kong during the war I liked it (1), the finale of the trilogy .....really enjoyed them all and the movies (1), author made it very real (1), it was okay good characters two stories going on at the same time but catch up at the end. (1), tedious (1), young man from St. Louis who builds an empire of restaurants in NYC. Great skills to learm from regarding management Cramer recommendation (1), enjoyed reading this book (1), enjoyed the book and will look forward to the movie in August of 2011 (1), to read rec.by Kieran amazing story of the young woman who had a stroke and was able to tell you all about. great suggestions in the back of the book if you know someone who had a stroke and you are spending time with them (1), Erin rec thru kieran june 2011 (1), from NPR thought bill would like this one (1), recommended by Noreen : nothing special (1), rec by kathy and Kieran good book very interesting about early mormonism will follow sometime with a more recent book about the mormoms from Krekauer? (1), Enjoyed it (1), enjoyed this book (1), rec by maryann and Kathleen Mahoney (1), recommended by Katriina (1), rec by Erma (1), interesting book club like it (1), good movie too! (1), bill ready and enjoyed ...rec. by erma (1), enjoyed it very much oprah book club selection (1), read for bookclub 10/10 good writing (1), rec by maryann (1), read 9/2010 Enjoyed this book (1), easy read and loved the story. great characters ....would be fabulous to listen to on tape (1), sweet love story of the incarcerating of the Japanese during WW II in Seattle (1), 2010 BOOK CLUB enjoyed it but it was long. Medical takes place in ethopia romance between doctor and a nun....twins born and the story is there lives (1), rec wttw after author interviewed (1), read and enjoyed rec. by noreen (1), thought it was good (1), enjoyed learning somethings about that part of the world. he is quite a young man and must have been a fabulous dancer (1), read december 2009 enjoyed it (1), rec kathy heltland (1), rec kathy Hetland (1), didnt develop characters well but learned alot about Oak Ridge project and the building of the atomic bomb (1)
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Nov 7, 2009