
archival methodology (2), prostitution (2), slave testimonies (2), African-American slave narratives (2), archival processing (2), archival practice (2), archivists (2), archives (2), prostitutes (2), first-person narratives-female (2), African-American social condtions (1), museums and education (1), museum programming case studies (1), "Community High School" Roanoke VA (1), innovative education initiatives (1), lifelong learning approaches (1), cultural criticism in 20th century (1), little-known history of Paris (1), miscegenation (1), New Orleans prostitution history of 19th and 20th century (1), New Orleans brothels (1), Paris from pre-history to 2005 (1), urban essays (1), crime sketches (1), based on personal memoirs (1), 19th century prison conditions (1), Chinese-American Immigrant experience (1), 19th century NY crime and punishement (1), description of "The Tombs" (1), 19th century urban essays (1), "sporting life" (1), 19th century literary style (1), 19th century NY (1), historical trivia of Paris (1), NY city Draft Riots (1), Bohemian lifestyle (1), crime and social conditions (1), analysis of Civil Rights movement (1), Black History classics (1), retrospective history of slavery and slaveowners (1), US slaveowners (1), families of the Old South (1), "miscegenation" (1), interpretation of historical and cultural sites (1), interpretation of natural resources (1), Manhattan history (1840-1919) (1), Five Points (NYC) (1), immigrant experience in 19th century NY (1), social history in 19th and early 20th century NY (1), history of 20th century alternative lifestyles (1), cultural preservation projects (1), historical preservation projects (1), African-American slavery in NY (1), African-American diaspora in colonial NY (1), history of African-American diaspora in NY (1), African-American experience 17th thorugh 19th century NY (1), racial attitudes in colonial NY (1), development of racial thought in colonial US (1), freedmen in NY city (1), slavery in NY city (1), 19th century immigrant life in NY (1), history of London artists in early 20th century (1), social commentary in photographs (1), religious sects of 19th century (1), 19th century NY tenement life (1), community history (1), SAA Archival Fundamentals Series II (1), red-light district (1), escape from slavery (1), archival reference (1), archival preservation (1), archival history (1), African-American genealogy (1), political commentary (1), records management (1), New Orleans history (1), archival description (1), race relations in United States (1), George Appo (1), Storyville (1), Louisiana history (1), archival theory (1), social memory (1), interpretation theory (1), race theory (1), urban history (1), public history (1), genealogy (1), family secrets (1), museum schools (1), urban restoration (1), photographs of Jacob Riis (1), electronic records (archives) (1), "Isabella Van Wagenen" or Sojourner Truth (1), religious contemporaries of Joseph Smith (1), Matthias the Prophet (1), self-styled prophets (1), religious utopias (1), 19th century religious movements (1), Second Great Awakening movement (1), slavery and brutality (1), abuse of slaves (1), edited memoirs of slaves (1), archival managment (1), essays in archival studies (1), archival arrangement (1), professional archival literature (1), dictated (?) memoirs of slaves (1), archives and collective memory (1), archives appraisal (1), first-person narratives of the sex trade (1), history of New Orleans jazz music (1), Basin Street (1), Mahogany Hall (1), Lulu White (1), houses of prostitution (1), Storyville (New Orleans) (1), Black experience circa 1967 (1)
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Aug 1, 2012