Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
I love books. A lot. It's not very apparent by my library currently but that's just because I don't have access to all of my books at the moment. I love everything from non-fiction to fiction and everything in between. Books about language, science, sci-fi, other cultures, religions, mental health disorders, children's books, young adult literature, pretty much anything I can get my hands on. I devour them. I think I could probably live off of them. Books are pretty close to consuming my life and I'm completely ok with that.
Sobre mí
Well I'm a 23 year old student slogging away at a Human Relations degree with a passion for art, photography, and teenagers. Also anything unique and interesting. I'm from Texas and very proud of that fact, and I love the little tacos. I love them good. If you recognize that quote you'll know I'm a big fan of Invader Zim, I'm also a big fan of several brit-coms and various and sundry other television shows and movies.
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