
Mar 30, 2009
Nombre verdadero
Jenny Blackford
Sobre mi biblioteca
Heaps of archaeology, ancient history, ancient religion, Greek and Latin language and literature, science fiction and fantasy, popular science...
Sobre mí
I am a writer and reviewer with interests ranging from science fiction and fantasy, through technology and ecology, to the religion and literature of the ancient world. My science fiction, fantasy and ghost stories for people of various ages have appeared in places including Jack Dann's Australian showcase anthology Dreaming Again, Random House's 30 Australian Ghost Stories for Children, and Paul Collins' blockbuster YA anthology Trust Me! (Ford Street Publishing). I was commissioned by Hadley Rille Books in 2008 to write an archaeologically-based novella set in ancient Greece; the result is The Priestess and the Slave, which Kate Forsyth has described as "Completely fascinating - a vivid and evocative glimpse into the life of the past, with its terrors and joys so strange and yet so familiar." This year, I am one of the five judges worldwide for the World Fantasy Awards. My current fiction project is a novel based on the life of Bronze Age princess Medea.
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