
Sobre mi biblioteca
I have more books in my home than shelves, and my to-read pile is always growing. I keep my floor-to-ceiling bookcase organized by genre, then by author.
Sobre mí
I'm the daughter of an English major and librarian so books have always been an important part of my life. Nothing was off-limits when I was growing up and I'd read whatever I came across. In college I majored in English and literature, and books remain a significant aspect of my life still.

My favorite thing ever is curling up in a blanket with my kitties on a rainy or snowy day and reading a good book with a cup of tea and some chocolate.

I love graphic novels and comics, memoirs, social justice reads, and sci-fi/fantasy, among others. Neil Gaiman, David Sedaris, Lois Lowry are a few of my favorite authors.
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