
Oct 22, 2023
Nombre verdadero
John P. Elcik, IV
Sobre mi biblioteca

My library is a collection featuring works from renowned authors whose genres span mystery, science fiction, and classic literature. It includes:

Isaac Asimov - A giant in science fiction, his "Foundation" series and "Robot" novels are intricate, thought-provoking stories I love to read.

A.A. Fair - This pseudonym used by Erle Stanley Gardner, known for the Donald Lam and Bertha Cool detective series, offers intriguing mysteries and clever plot twists. I've read them all.

Erle Stanley Gardner - Famous for creating the iconic legal drama series centered around the defense attorney Perry Mason, Gardner's works are a must-read. As a fan of courtroom dramas and whodunits, I loved the TV series and movies.

John Grisham - Grisham's thrilling courtroom novels, "The Firm" and "A Time to Kill," are favorites.

Robert Heinlein - A prominent figure in science fiction, Heinlein's books, such as "Stranger in a Strange Land" and "Starship Troopers," are favorites for their imaginative worlds and exploration of complex social and political themes.

Frank Herbert - Best known for the "Dune" series, Herbert's works are masterpieces of science fiction, delving into themes of politics, religion, and ecology, set within a richly detailed universe. I will reread these every so often. They are that good.

Zane Grey - A prolific author of adventure and western novels, Grey's works, like "Riders of the Purple Sage," capture the spirit of the American frontier with vivid storytelling and robust characters. I grew up reading every one of his books.

Ayn Rand - Known for "Atlas Shrugged" and "The Fountainhead," Rand's novels are grounded in her philosophy of Objectivism, exploring complex themes of individualism and capitalism.

Sobre mí

Dr. John Elcik: Unveiling the Pragmatic, the Passionate, and the Penman

Hello, and welcome to the vibrant world of Dr. John Elcik! A retired marketing executive, educator, and tech-savvy entrepreneur, John weaves a rich tapestry of expertise, curiosity, and advocacy through his diverse collection of works.

The Professional

Once a traditional marketing maven in the high-rise corridors of the corporate world, John now dedicates his skills to the little guy. With his uncanny ability to simplify the complex maze of modern marketing, he empowers small businesses and individuals to seize their slice of the digital pie. But that's not all; as the founder of identityXperts, Pragmatic, and Edulytics, he conquers the realms of digital real estate, web design, and educational analytics, respectively.

The Author

John’s first two books serve as heartfelt dedications to his children—guiding a gaming enthusiast son and a hockey-fan daughter through the labyrinths of life. But he doesn’t stop at family; he broadens his literary horizons to touch upon topics as varied as weekend cartooning, gun collecting, and political activism. Whether it’s urging for a Convention of States or a Balanced Budget Amendment, John’s writings echo his unwavering belief in informed citizenship.

The Advocate

A Mason and Shriner, John channels his off-page energies into child advocacy and educational reform. When he’s not writing or strategizing, you'll find him deeply involved in animal welfare activities and grassroots campaigns. As a proponent of eLearning, he envisions a world where quality education is not just a privilege but a universal right.

The Explorer

But wait, there’s more to John than polished prose and strategic genius. He’s also an avid fan of mysteries and science fiction. He contemplates the unknown, the futuristic, and the other-worldly, often weaving these elements into his storytelling.

The Philosophy

“Tell me, and I forget, teach me, and I may remember, involve me, and I learn.” This timeless Benjamin Franklin quote is the cornerstone of John’s life—be it in his role as an author, entrepreneur, or advocate.

Come, Be a Part of the Journey

So, if you’re a small business owner looking for pragmatic marketing tips, an individual seeking to navigate the socio-political maze, or simply someone who appreciates a good read that stimulates both the heart and the mind, you’re in the right place. Come, explore, and be involved. Because, in John’s world, involvement is the key to true learning.

Fort Myers, Florida
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