Nombre verdadero
Harald Volker BERGANDER
Sobre mi biblioteca

In five decades, my dear Sabine and I had to deal with more than a dozen changes of domicile and location. The books, of which we were most fond of, required special care. They occupied the centre stage of moving to another home. For lack of space the less close friends among them had to be left behind. But they remained in other trusty hands.

All titles will be listed from our current stock of literature. The selection, of course, is bound to be extremely subjective regarding the contemporary importance of the authors and their works. It is, however, a guideline for experienced literary freaks and for those who would like to acquire this category. Our private comments in a few words may help to make someone's choice easier.

Just a remark to my REVIEWS, identical with the private comments. Please, ignore them, if you expect sophisticated literary criticism. Therefore, one of the best focal points is Wikipedia, which I support financially. But I do not need to crib from anyone. My reviews in the character of personal comments are home-made. They are cooked together by the impressions I got, reading the book in question. Reminiscences flow in, comparisons with other writers, evaluations to what an oeuvre could be good for nowadays. The result is an extremely sentimental cocktail, someone may like or dislike.

Sir Schnurrli watches over our library. He gets it through our head, that there is more in life than reading books. As to demonstrate that, Sir Schnurrli likes to quote Claude Levy-Strauss, who said, "that the occasional conversation with a cat leads to more understanding than anything else". *
* Claude Lévi-Strauss, Tristes Tropiques, Collection Terre humaine, Plon, Paris 1955

Our library page is still in progress. Actually, about 250 books are listed. 60 titles are waiting to be edited.

Last updated: Oct 27, 2018


You find me also under the name of "Jiggy Yáñez Díaz" on Youtube

This channel offers video clips about a nowadays obsolete clothing of the 1950s and 1960s, GERMAN SHORT LEATHER PANTS, with text examples of my novels SNAKIE - DIANA and SNAKIE - BILLY.

Sobre mí

Harald V. Bergander, born 1944 in Breslau/Silesia, spent childhood and youth in Lower Saxony and Baden-Wuerttemberg. Served an apprenticeship as a bookseller. Lived and worked in Hanover, Munich, Vienna, Lausanne, Madrid, from 1973 as a translator (Spanish, French) in Las Palmas of Grand Canary and Ibiza. Since 1990 settled in Salzburg (Austria) and in the Ampurdán (Spanish Catalonia). Married fifty years to Sabine. Takes great pleasure in creating stories as well as occasionally piecing together electronic devices, even though both activities are more or less of no avail. Loves his wife, drinks red wine, is a pipe smoker, plays chess and speaks preferably with horses and cats. His present feline companion is Sir Schnurrli, who is completely white haired, has blue eyes and was raised to the peerage because of his extraordinarily smooth character.

Salzburg/Austria and Portbou, Alt Empordà, Catalonia, Spain
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