
Nombre verdadero
Louise Turner
Sobre mi biblioteca
I have no idea of the number of books I own but they are many and include children's chapter books I enjoy reading over and over as well as many picture books I use regularly as I volunteer to do story times at one of our branch libraries. Other favorite categories include mysteries, short stories, history and biography, poetry, southern writers. From time to time I try to bring some order to the books on my shelves, but have concluded that's merely an excuse to pull books out and reread favorite passages. I do have several shelves devoted to writers who were connected with the New Yorker magazine: E.B. White and his wife Katharine, James Thurber, Dorothy Parker, John Updike, Robert Benchley, Roz Chwast among them, along with histories of the magazine. I mention this because it is an area of my books that is arranged with some kind of rhyme or reason.

Sobre mí
I am a retired Children's Librarian. I credit my parents, who had little opportunity for much formal education themselves, and a wonderful second grade reading teacher, for inspiring in me a love for books and reading that has lasted my entire life. That I was able to help pass on this love for books and reading to the children and families I served I count as both a joy and a blessing to myself. My retirement came about the time the last Harry Potter book was published--I had to stay until then! Besides an abiding love for books for children and young adults I enjoy mysteries, classics,short stories, poetry, some science fiction--actually, I find at least some books in almost every genre that I enjoy. I am so happy to be in the company of other book lovers.
United States
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