
Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Nov 24, 2010
Sobre mi biblioteca
I read very different books, from modern physics to art, but I prefer fantasy as genre.
Sobre mí
I'm currently a student of the Technical University of Lodz, about to graduate next year, when I will finally obtain my Master degree and a title of an Engineer. Looking forward to it. I work for a telecom corporation in the are of project management (haven't turned into a corporat yet, though). I love reading all sorts of books and read a lot, but preferably fantasy. I also paint a draw pictures quite often (if my work permits) - I've been preparing to enter the Academy of Fine Arts for 10 years before I suddenly decided to enter the Technical Univesity. Never regretted it, though. I'm as much an engineer as an artist. And there's much art in engineering as well as much engineering in art. :) I'm also a volunteer in two Polish-Japanese organizations and I run workshops and lectures for them. It's a lot of fun and a gives me many opportunities to meet wonderful people. I have a cat named Zgaga and she's like a member of the family to me. I like sports too - used to train sport archery when I was a bit younger. Now I'm more into bikes. I do tons of other things in my free time, but probably shouldn't build a list here.
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