
Feb 20, 2014
Nombre verdadero
Νίκος Σιδέρης (Nikos Sideris)
Sobre mí
Nikos Sideris was born in Athens (1952) and studied Medicine at the University of Athens. He then settled in Paris for his postgraduate studies (specializing in Psychiatry, History and Neuropsychology-Neurolinguistics). He is a PhD of Panteion University Psychology Department and teaching psychoanalyst, member of the Strasbourg School of Psychoanalysis (E.P.S.) and the European Psychoanalysis Federation (FEDEPSY). He works as a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and family therapist in Athens.

He has published, in Greek language: In Kastaniotis Editions, the poetic collections "Go" (1983), "Circumnavigation or Overturn of Names" (1990) and "Tender Oarsman" (2000), his study "Inner Bilingualism" (1995), his essay "And yet they are talking -Adolescent discourse" (1999, new edition 2011), as well as the novels "Love Song" (1998) and "The Ballad of Dust" (2003). In Futura editions, the essay "Architecture and Psychoanalysis - Fantasy and Construction" (2006). In Opportuna editions, the essay "Freud crypto-red?" (2009). And in Metaixmio Editions, the essays "As they have been told and heard -Secrets and truths from the psychoanalyst's couch" (2008), "Children do not need psychologists. They need parents!" (2009), a national best-seller, "You are not the only one playing. There are also others!" (2010), the study "Eroticism in Art - Pictorial Fantasies" (2010), the poetic collection "The Art of the Grain" (2011), the novel "A Song for Orpheus" (2011) and the essay "Talking with the child about the crisis" (2013).
Athens, Greece
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