Sobre mi biblioteca
What can I say? I've got four bookcases - all of them surround me here in my office - all of them surround me in this little office upstairs... now, that's a lot of weight! I love to read whenever I can; even if it's at times that I can't sleep at night.
I'm also a collector of rare and out of print books. It's the thrill of the chase I love! Once I have that rare darling of a book in my hands and safely put in its place, I'll be on the hunt for my next one! It never stops.
Sobre mí
I began reading at the age of 4 and never really stopped. I also love my budgie, Stevie, cooking, gardening, writing books and poetry and novellas... and reading of course! I also collect vinyls of all kinds from all over the decades of the 1960's to the 1980's right up to the point when cds came into fashion.
Logan City, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
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