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Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Jul 22, 2006
Sobre mi biblioteca
My library is, I think, rather eclectic for a person of my age, my favorite topics ranging from psychology to the occult, although (I must admit) leaning a bit more towards the fantasy/swashbuckling adventure side than anywhere else. I am fond of older authors especially (Shakespeare, Austen, Shelley, etc.), although I think I will always have my unexplainable fascination with those certain books that no one else seems to get.

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Sobre mí
I am a 21 year-old student at Texas Lutheran University, majoring in theatre. I have been a bookworm since before I could even read, and I am always gobbling up the written word hand over fist--I can usually be found somewhere on campus with my nose in a book. I am what some would call a "hopeless romantic," and sometimes I wonder if I was born in the right century.
Seguin, Texas
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