
CDs (409), Lulu's (247), taken by oakes (230), dad's wwii books (174), destroyed (121), birding (101), Language box 01 (61), Low-quality cooking 001 (58), children's books (50), Birding box 01 (41), taken by otto (40), Birding box 02 (39), Low-quality cooking 002 (37), Music Box 008 (36), Language box 02 (and misc) (36), Birding box 03 (30), Music Box 014 (29), American history box 04 (27), Music Box 006 (27), American history box 01 (25), Birding box 04 (25), Global history 02 (25), American history box 03 (24), Music Box 015 (24), Garden/House Box 002 (24), Music Box 009 (24), The New Grove (23), Music Box 001 (23), Music Box 002 (23), Music Box 012 (22), American history box 02 (22), American history box 07 (21), Music Box 004 (21), Music Box 010 (21), Music Box 011 (21), Misc Box 001 (21), American history box 06 (21), Global history 01 (20), Misc Box 002 (19), Music Box 016 (19), Music Box 005 (17), Music Box 013 (17), Music Box 007 (16), American history box 05 (15), Garden/House Box 001 (15), deaccessioned (14), Music Box 003 (10), discard (7), Signed: James Field Spalding (7), Music Box 017 (6), art books (6), Deaccession box 12 (Tim) (4), two volumes (4), two copies (3), taken by tim (2), Signed by Dorothy Goodrich (2), ten volumes (1), Ex Libris Dorothy Goodrich (1), Signed: Philip L. Spalding (1), Signed by Charles C. Goodrich (1), wrong edition (1), older edition (1), three volumes (1), zine (1), five volumes (1), privately published (1), EHC (1), four copies (1), not in OCLC (1), deaccesioned (1), Maybe worth something (1), two copies -- one to Oakes (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Sep 27, 2018

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