
Todas las colecciones (2,592), Magazines (2), Music/CD (1), DVD (9), Tu biblioteca (2,580)
Shelf 9 (264), shelf 2 (225), shelf 3 (219), shelf 5 (191), shelf 4 (152), Floor Studio (136), Shelf 8 (108), Upper Shelf (84), Manga Box (74), Above shelf 4 (73), shelf 1 (71), Tiny Shelf (64), eBook (60), Shelf 7 (59), Box 5 (56), Floor (54), ARC (40), Box 6 (39), Box 1 (39), Box 4 (39), Above Shelf 3 (39), Box 7 (37), Box 8 (36), Box 3 (35), Shelf 4 (32), shelf 6 (28), Box 2 (22), Over shelf 3 (21), Box 10 (19), Desk (18), ARC Box 2 (17), Box 12 (17), Boxed (16), Box 11 (15), Above shelf 5 (11), Floor Basket (8), M-Shelf (8), Library (6), Shelf 6 (6), Free Range (6), shelf 5 --2 copies (4), 2 copies (4), Above Shelf 8 (3), shelf 3 (duplicate copy) (3), shelf 3 (ARC) (3), Over shelf 6 (3), ARC Floor Basket (3), Shelf 3 (3), Above shelf 6 (3), Top Shelf (3), Shelf of Dishonor (3), ARC Box 1 (2), Above shelf 4 (ARC) (2), Graphics Office (2), ARC Box 3 (2), DSC (2), Manga Box --2 copies (2), ARC Shelf 9 (2), ARC Floor (2), shelf 3 --2 copies (2), Hardcopy (2), British Import (1), Above shelf 5 (a bit buggy looking?) (1), Box 11 (currently on ref desk) (1), do I really have 2 copies? (1), COSTCO (1), I have the 1903 version from an old school library. (1), Shelf 4 (Cover gone) (1), Above Shelf 4 (1), Colette Gale (1), paperback (1), shelf 5 (ARC) (1), Box 3 (back cover partially gone (1), 2nd copy (1), no front cover (1), Sealed (1), DVD (1), Shelf 5 (1), Research Library (1), Box 2 Duplicate (1), ARC Box 2 (First Person) (1), Box 3 Duplicate (1), Box 3 (First Person) (1), no front or back cover) (1), slight water damage) (1), shelf 5 (back cover badly damaged) (1), Box 4 (German) (1), Box 4 ARC (1), shelf 4 (2 copies) (1), shelf 3 (Badly damaged (1), barely a back cover.) (1), shelf 3 (water damage-minor) (1), shelf 3 (water damaged) 2 copies (1), shelf 2 --2 copies (1), shelf 2 (uncertain if I have 2 copies (1), I'm getting a dup notification) (1), shelf 1 (ARC) (1), Box 3 (Terrible shape (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Sep 6, 2021
Sobre mi biblioteca
I'm a huge romance reader, good ones, bad ones, old ones and new ones, so as you can imagine I have collected a great many romances. I also love dictionaries in any language. You will also find Star Trek, Star Wars, Phantom of The Opera, Beauty and Beast, Jane Austen, and tons and tons of cookbooks.
Sobre mí
I love books. I love looking at them, holding them, being around them, just staring at them. There is nothing more comforting than sitting in my personal library surrounded by all my books. If there were a book perfume, I would wear it. A library book sale is not a place to leave me unattended, my husband is no help as he too is something of a book collector.
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