Sobre mi biblioteca
I am still trying to figure out my "taste" in books. I seem to really become engrossed in fun, easy reads that have a bit of romance and fantasy. I really enjoyed the fun-fantasy elements of the Harry Potter series and the romantic tension in Twilight. I think with Twilight I was mostly drawn to the forbidden love between Bella and Edward. I also really enjoyed the suspense and twists in the Da Vinci Code. These are things that really kept me turning pages so I am really trying to find books with similar elements.

Anything that I have rated means I have read the book. If it's not rated then I intend to read the book.

If you have any sugestions on good books that I might like I would love to hear them.
Sobre mí
Hello! I am a 24-year-old living in the south. I read a lot in highschool but have really just started picking up the hobby again. To be honest I think I read about one book for fun in college. But I am really starting to enjoy books again.
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