Primeros reseñadoresLou Berney

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Sorteo terminado: Febrero 28, 2015 a las 08:03 am EST

(From publisher site) In the summer of 1986, two tragedies rocked Oklahoma City. Six movie-theater employees were killed in an armed robbery, while one inexplicably survived. Then, a teenage girl vanished from the annual State Fair. Neither crime was ever solved. Twenty-five years later, the reverberations of those unsolved cases quietly echo through survivors’ lives. A private investigator in Vegas, Wyatt’s latest inquiry takes him back to a past he’s tried to escape—and drags him deeper into the harrowing mystery of the movie house robbery that left six of his friends dead. Like Wyatt, Julianna struggles with the past—with the day her beautiful older sister Genevieve disappeared. When Julianna discovers that one of the original suspects has resurfaced, she’ll stop at nothing to find answers. As fate brings these damaged souls together, their obsessive quests spark sexual currents neither can resist. But will their shared passion and obsession heal them, or push them closer to the edge? Even if they find the truth, will it help them understand what happened, that long and faraway gone summer? Will it set them free—or ultimately destroy them?
General Fiction, Mystery, Fiction and Literature
Ofrecido por
LaBibliophille (Otro)
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October 2014 Lote

Sorteo terminado: Octubre 27 a las 06:00 pm EDT

Wyatt’s philosophy when it came to the past: stay out of it. By doing so he had lived a happy life. A life undrowned, unbroken on the rocks, unswept toward an empty horizon. In the summer of 1986, two separate incidents made headlines in Oklahoma City: An armed robbery ended with the murder of six movie-theater employees, leaving just one survivor. Around the same time, a teenage girl vanished without a trace from the annual State Fair. Neither crime was ever solved. Twenty-five years later, Wyatt -- the lone survivor of the movie-theater massacre of 1986 -- is working as a private investigator in Vegas. Hired for what seems a routine investigation on behalf of a feisty single mother, Wyatt realizes too late that it will force him to return to his hometown of Oklahoma City, and to a past he’s tried to escape since he was 15. Though initially planning to wrap the case and get out, Wyatt is drawn back into the harrowing mystery that has defined his life. Also in Oklahoma City, Julianna has lived a life consumed by her obsession with the day her beautiful older sister Genevieve disappeared from the State Fair. When Julianna discovers that the ex-con carnie who was the prime suspect in the case has re-emerged after years off the grid, she resolves to get answers, even if she has to do it all herself. Both drawn inexorably back to the tragedies they experienced as teenagers, Wyatt and Julianna take parallel paths into the past, told in fluid alternating storylines intercut with flashbacks. Wyatt’s investigation leads him to a shady land developer, an erratic rock star, and ultimately a dangerous stalker, while Julianna dives into city’s seedy underbelly looking for answers. As dirty laundry from a quarter-century earlier is aired -- exhuming mischief, betrayals, first loves and dark secrets -- can either of them ever discover what really happened during that faraway summer? And if so, can the truth set them free -- or will it finally destroy them? In the vein of Laura Lippman, Dennis Lehane, and Gillian Flynn, with tight plotting, utterly authentic characters and a compelling balance of emotional depth and humor, THE LONG AND FARAWAY GONE is a fiercely compassionate novel about the mysteries of memory, and what it means to survive.
General Fiction, Mystery, Fiction and Literature
Ofrecido por
William Morrow (Editorial)
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April 2012 Lote

Sorteo terminado: Abril 30 a las 06:00 pm EDT

Series: Shake (2)
Charles “Shake” Bouchon has finally realized his dream of owning his own restaurant, in the Caribbean paradise on the coast of Belize. He’s left his life of crime behind for good, but paradise is not quite trouble-free—business is slow, and to stay afloat, he’s borrowed money from some local thugs, who don’t look kindly on late payment. Things go from bad to worse for Shake when a gunman shows up at the restaurant and tries to take out a garrulous elderly customer named Quinn. Shake thwarts the attempt, but the restaurant is a little worse for the wear and now Quinn wants to hire Shake to work at his resort. Before Shake knows what he’s gotten himself tangled into, his restaurant has exploded in flames. When it becomes clear that not only are two freelance assassins are after Shake, but also a beautiful FBI agent, and the thugs, One Love and Baby Jesus—Shake has no choice but to accept an invitation to fly to Mexico with the mysterious Quinn. But Quinn’s help comes at a price—and there’s only one person who can pull off this big score: his brilliant, ruthless ex-lover Gina. If Shake can get her to talk to him, that is.
General Fiction, Mystery, Suspense & Thriller, Fiction and Literature
Ofrecido por
William Morrow (Editorial)
Información del libroPágina LibraryThing de la obra
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