Primeros reseñadoresLaNysha T. Adams

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marzo 2024 Lote

Sorteo terminado: Marzo 25 a las 06:00 pm EDT

Me PowerVista rápida
Audiolibro digital

Discover the audiobook that unlocks your limitless potential with Me Power, the motivational nonfiction book that has garnered acclaim as a 7-time award winner.

"Who do you want to be?" This timeless question serves as the cornerstone of ME POWER, urging listeners to envision their aspirations and take bold action toward realizing them. ME POWER redefines empowerment through research-based insights and practical strategies, teaching us to tap into our inherent strength and resilience while forging meaningful connections with others.

No matter our obstacles, Me Power inspires us to harness our inner power and reject the notion that power is finite or external. As you immerse yourself in the wisdom of Me Power, you'll gain invaluable tools to navigate life's challenges with confidence and grace, empowering both yourself and those around you.

Are you ready to activate your Me Power and transform your life? Take the first step today by diving into this audiobook.

Audiolibro digital
MP3 / Audible Audiobook (downloadable via BookFunnel)
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Young Adult, General Nonfiction, Philosophy
Ofrecido por
edlinguist (Autor)
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