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1 Obra 18 Miembros 1 Reseña

Obras de Michael Zak

Back to Basics for the Republican Party (2000) 18 copias, 1 reseña


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This book taught me the genesis of the Republican party; I am proud to be a member of what was once the party of virtue - unfortunately, we have mostly devolved into political opportunists.

In nearly the first half of the book, Mr Zak lays out a great foundation of explanation so the reader understands politics in the run up to the Civil War. Proving that the new Republican party was not just an opponent of the Democrats, all popular philosophies of the Republicans (to varying degrees of Abolition) are explained. From then, the book is nearly a blow-by-blow of presidential and mid-term election accounts between our party and the Democrats.

Arguing the two main ideals of the Republican party, racial equality and free-market principles, each decade is illustrated in this book by juxtaposing the Republican fight for civil rights acts and constitutional amendments with the "Solid Southern Democrats" and their northern allies battle against such legislation.

Little known history, such as thousands of black and white Republican deaths post-Civil War are mentioned. These and other dramatic facts are highlighted as a matter of history, not gratuitously or in a way which seeks vengeance. The name calling that goes on in politics these days is nothing when compared to the violence racist Democrats wrought against abolitionist Republicans in the 19th century. Another interesting fact is that between Reconstruction and 1934, every black person elected to Congress was a Republican (p 107).

Doing a wonderful job at not promoting the ideal that Republicans can do no wrong, Mr Zak points out where we, as a party, lost focus on our priorities for various reasons. He even admonishes past leaders of our side when they completely abandoned core issues and lost sight of what was important. And to be fair, Mr Zak acknowledges and gives kudos to Democrats in the late 20th century when warranted.

Although this book was published in 2003 and stops documenting the Republican party before W., Mr Zak poses questions in the last chapter which are as timely as ever in this age of President Obama.

Originally reviewed June 21, 2010
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HistReader | Dec 19, 2011 |

