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Describes PSYCH_K (pronounced sigh-kay) belief techniques. The author says it can free your mind from limiting beliefs.

The conscious mind thinks abstractly while the subconscious mind thinks literally. The conscious mind processes 2000 bits per second while the subconscious mind processes 4 billion. Think of the latter as a computer hard drive with outdated programs.

Muscle testing can communicate with the subconscious mind. See for a demo. "The person being tested should experience the feeling of the thought or statement being tested."

"Toxic beliefs can be hazardous to your health." "Can detrimental or outdated parental or societal software be changed? The answer is yes."

"Beliefs are filters for reality." The subconscious mind is sensory based and beliefs held there can be reached through the senses. Translate a more abstract goal to a sight, sound, or feeling you wish to attain.
Describe a feeling in terms of where in the body it is felt, color, temperature, shape, texture.

Eye position can affect muscle testing. Don't look up.

Williams' formula fro manifestation.
1. Set intention/goal
2. Check for intent. (Do you really want it?)
3. Communicate intention to the subconscious mind.
4. Take action.

Use muscle testing to see if you have any self-sabotaging beliefs.
artg | Sep 21, 2007 |