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Well...there were some things I liked and some things that I did not like.
First off, I loved the prologue (even though thirteen is WAYYYYY too young to have your first kiss). It really showed how the relationship was between the characters at the time.
That being said, after the prologue, not much is shown about their childhood friendship. (can i even call it that?) I was a bit disappointed because I felt like the friends-to-lovers trope was underdeveloped. Part of the charm of that trope is seeing how their interactions changed over the years.
So, after the prologue, the rest of the book is in the present, when they are in their twenties. I am not sure how this book could be considered a romance because they don't spend any time with each other. Most of it was the main girl wondering why she was engaged to some other man when she didn't even like him. A little disappointing? yeah.
Rating: 3 Stars
Content: 3 Stars
*I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the publisher. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.
libraryofemma | 24 reseñas más. | Apr 18, 2024 |
Ahh, "A Reckless Love", this story does indeed show recklessness at times and love.

I really will have to go back to the first book in the series, "A Rebel Heart" and read it since I was slightly lost when reading the second and now the third books in the series.

That didn't stop me from enjoying the book though, and I want to mention here that I did skim at parts, only because I couldn't get into the writing style, yet, I loved the story and characters.

"A Reckless Love" is a strong ending to a strong series of healing after a horrible time in America's history. I enjoyed seeing more than one side of the Civil War and the aftermath of the war's end.

There was some content that makes this a book for readers older than 18, just mentions of things that you wouldn't want to read. And the last pages of the book are between a husband and wife after a nightmare and she suggests he love her... It made me somewhat uncomfortable otherwise from what I have read this is a great book.

This book was provided courtesy of Baker Publishing (Revell), through Interviews & Reviews.
abigailkayharris | 28 reseñas más. | Jan 1, 2024 |
My Review:

Genre: Historical, Christian fiction, Civil War, and some romance.

Rating: 4 and 1/2 stars.

My Recommendation: 16 up. Warnings below.

My Favorite Character/s: Schuyler was an interesting guy. I enjoyed getting to read his point of view which surprised me since I’ve read a few Civil War books that I ended care for the male point of view.

He was somewhat annoying at first but as the book went on I ended up loving how he and Joelle were friends or rather enemies I suppose.

My Verse for Schuyler is Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (King James Version.)

My Thoughts: I was running so short on time this review, normally when that happens I skim the book but I couldn’t . . . The book was too good! I loved almost all of it except for some things that were mentioned by the bad guys and people who disagreed with the laws that were put in place after the Civil War.

Warnings: Insults, a man gets drunk and mentions of drunkenness, racist remarks from bad guys, a two murders and mentions of how the victims were murdered.

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review and am truly happy to provide it. All the thoughts are my own.
abigailkayharris | 24 reseñas más. | Jan 1, 2024 |
The series is about three sisters who survived the Civil War in Mississippi and now they are trying to make a new life in a new era. As believers in Christ they reach out to former slaves and seek to make a world that sees all people equally. The problem is that not all people in their community believed that or wanted this new way of life. The family continues to battle those with deep prejudices in their southern community throughout this story.

This third novel is about the path that the youngest sister, Aurora, forges. Aurora is a spunky young lady with some deeply held opinions and ideas about the world around her. She, like her sisters, has a deep faith, a strong will and seeks to do the right thing while fighting those who would seek to harm others.

I believe the more we know about our past the better we can understand our world today. Historical fiction, when written with honesty and good research, can help us in this. This book is certainly honest and well researched. It is written from a Christian perspective and tells how people of faith faced the evils of their time. I highly recommend this entire series. It is beautifully written with lots of action and adventure and it tells the stories of how God is always present in the lives of His people in both good times and hard things.
Leann | 28 reseñas más. | Jun 27, 2023 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
“Reckless Love” by Beth White is the third book in the Daughtry House series. I had the privilege of reading the previous two books and enjoyed them very much, as I did this novel.

The three Daughtry sisters, Selah, Joelle, and Aurora (also called Pete) and the heroines of this series of novels which take place during and after the Civil War. Each novel spotlights one of the sisters as the heroine of the novel. In “Reckless Love”, we follow Aurora as she whirls and twirls her way through life. She can talk a preacher into retirement and has a solution for everything.

The sisters find out that they’ve inherited a saloon and Aurora decides to make it a boarding house. First, she has to re-educate the two “girls” who are residing there. Then she takes on the task of renovating the premises to more resemble a presentable establishment. The Daughtry women have been harassed by members of the KKK because of their association with the freedmen and their social acceptance of the blacks in their community. Because of the violence and killings that have taken place in their area if Mississippi, Federal Marshals have been called to protect them and protect informants who are to stand trial. Zane Sager is in charge of two prisoners whom he has to keep alive in order to testify. When Aurora steps in with her inquisitiveness and forcefulness, the two are at loggerheads most of the time. We will see by the end of the novel just how two strong-willed people can come to grips with their feelings. We may even see some resolutions to the problems of violence and terrorism prevalent in the south at this time.

Ms. White writes novels with humor, wit, romance, and danger. I read this book in one day. I know you will find this and other novels by Ms. Bradley definitely worth your reading time.

SilverShrew | 28 reseñas más. | May 15, 2023 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
Set in post-Civil War Mississippi, A Rebel Heart by Beth White gives readers an honest look at some of the atrocities of war and the struggle life was afterward.

Selah and her sisters are memorable as they fight to save their plantation home. Levi Riggins is a hero I could get behind from the start of the book and, as I discovered more about him, just liked him more.

There are several plot lines happening throughout the book that, at times, were difficult to follow. By the end of the story, I was pleased with how everything came together, though. This was the first book by the author I have read, and I enjoyed my time with Selah and Riggins as well as the other characters.

Disclosure statement: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book and was not required to write a positive or negative review. All opinions are my own.
Suzie27 | 22 reseñas más. | Feb 15, 2023 |
This is the first novel by this author that I have read. I was attracted to the book - honestly - because of the cover and the interesting title. I did find that it was a little hard to get into but I did enjoy the over all story. I am not into sticky overly romantic books with lots of gushy mushy love story stuff and this one did not have that element. This author did an excellent job of fleshing out a love story without a lot mushy scenes.

Genevieve and her sister board a boat that had a course set for the religiously free American colonies after her father was murdered for his anti-catholic practices. I found this to be a nice look into this particular era of history and Christian persecution. The name of the boat was Pelican - thus the name of the book. The last thing young Genevieve was looking for was a love story but that is precisely what she finds. Not only love but excitement and mystery and a little bit of danger. Secrets are never a good thing, and sometimes one's past sometimes pops up in the most unexpected ways and demands to be dealt with - this is what the characters in this book face.

Thanks to Revell for this review copy.
abbieriddle | 16 reseñas más. | Mar 1, 2022 |
Thank you to Librarything and Revell for sending me this FREE ARC COPY to review for them!! I really enjoyed this one which is surprising since this was my first time reading a book/series by this author!!

The Characters were so interesting to read about and The Setting was so beautifully described that i felt like i was actually in 1865-1870 Tennessee and Mississippi.

I will definately read more books by this author in the future!!
Sheila_Samuelson | 28 reseñas más. | Apr 7, 2021 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
A Reckless Love by Beth White is the third book in her Daughtry House series. Aurora, the youngest of the Daughtry sisters, takes it upon herself to help federal deputy marshal Zane Sager as he tracks a ruthless killer. As Aurora works with Zane, he begins to realize that there is still goodness in this world. I really enjoyed Aurora’s spunk. She didn’t let life and circumstances get her down. Although Zane had been through the horrors of war, he was able to overcome them with Aurora’s and Gods help. A great story about a very volatile time in our nation’s history. Told with a very skillful and delicate pen!

I received this book from LibraryThing for my honest review.
KimPotter | 28 reseñas más. | Jan 15, 2021 |
A Rebel Heart by Beth White is the first book in The Daughtry House series. Five years after the Civil War, Selah Daughtry is struggling to provide for her two younger sisters and a spinster cousin. With their Mississippi plantation falling down around them, the offer to help turn her home into a hotel by the hotel management agent for the railroad seems like a good idea. Levi Riggins says it’s the only way to save her family home. But, can she trust a Yankee? This story addressed a very sensitive time in our nation’s history. I liked how the Daughtry girls came up with a way to help the less fortunate. Selah was a very brave, and forgiving lady who didn’t let society over-rule her personal convictions.
KimPotter | 22 reseñas más. | Oct 8, 2020 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
Deputy Marshall Zane Sager wants nothing more than to catch the killer of his mentor and friend. When he runs into fiery Aurora Daughtry, all his plans begin to unravel and he begins to lose his solitary life focus. As the youngest Daughtry daughter, Aurora was brought up in the city with her grandparents. Everyone thinks she is a proper Southern belle without a thought in her head except finding a husband - but that ambition is far from her mind. While Aurora is occupied reforming a local saloon into a boardinghouse, she becomes involved in the attempt to catch a murderer and becomes even closer to Zane Sager. Can she convince him that life cannot be lived in the past so they might have a future together?

This was a nice end to the Daughtry House series. There are some characters I would love to hear more about from the novels...hopefully....
Thank you LibraryThing for the Early Reviewers copy!
chrirob | 28 reseñas más. | Sep 7, 2020 |
Joelle Daughtry has very strong & loud opinions, but a very quiet voice. Some may call her shy, but she has learned to fight her battles in her own way...without the need to least not verbally. While Joelle may battle shyness, she does not hesitate to battle for causes she believes in by writing under a pseudonym with the local newspaper. While fighting for her causes, she is also battling her childhood nemesis Schuyler Beaumont. But with events unfolding around Daughtry House putting everyone at danger When danger begins to unravel the local community due to the Klu Klux Klan, Joelle has no choice but to work with Schuyler to protect those she loves...and she may love end up loving her enemy in the bargain.

Another great book in the Daughtry House series. On to book 3 which I received from LibraryThing Early Reviewers and led me down this Daughtry House road!
chrirob | 24 reseñas más. | Sep 7, 2020 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
I was nearly half way through before realizing that this was the third book in a series. It easily stands alone as a decent Christian Historical Romance. There were a lot of names and details to keep track of but I found that the more I glossed over them, the overarching story took over. The romance between the two leads was delightful and their relationship to the Bible was not over dramatized or unrealistic. I appreciated the slight suspense and fast-moving action portions of the story and think I might go back and read the other two as prequels, despite knowing how/who the sisters end up with. I strongly recommend you read them all yourself!

Received this copy free from Early Reviewers but that didn't influence the honesty of my review. I genuinely enjoyed this quick read.
kenagurl | 28 reseñas más. | Aug 4, 2020 |
A Reckless Love, by Beth White, is the third book in the Daughtry House series. This series is a story of three sisters that struggle to hold onto their home in Mississippi after the Civil War. This is Aurora's story. She is the youngest of the three sisters and has so much energy. When she finds out they have inherited the saloon her father was a co-owner of, she immediately makes plans to turn it into housing. She hires the two ladies from the bar and former slaves to make the alterations to the building. The building is the perfect location for Zane to keep the prisoners waiting trial.

This is a fast paced story that takes off where book two ends. Since the story references characters and events from the first two stories, it is best to read them in order. The story focuses on the girls and the men in their lives as well as those who work for them. . The thing that I enjoyed about this story is the research the author did to write the story. I also appreciate the aspect of faith that the girls have to do what is right and how they help others. I especially enjoyed the character of the grandmother. I received a copy of this book from Revell Reads Blogger Program. This is my honest review.
eccl | 28 reseñas más. | Jul 15, 2020 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
Title: A Reckless Love (Daughtry House #3)
Author: Beth White
Pages: 368
Year: 2020
Publisher: Revell
My rating is 4 out of 5 stars.
This third novel in the Daughtry House series focuses on the youngest of three sisters, Aurora Daughtry. I would recommend reading the other two books in the series as they focus on the other two sisters, Selah and Joelle, and their stories. All the novels are set in Mississippi in 1870, just five years after the end of the Civil War. The South is in the beginning stages of Reconstruction.
Aurora Daughtry may be the youngest Daughtry sister, but she has the most ambition. She has plans to turn a former saloon, with “amenities” upstairs, that her father had secretly owned into a boardinghouse. The only problem is a couple of former employees of the saloon still live there even though it is out of business. Aurora plans to give these two women a new chance at a respectable life by teaching them a new skillset. She is determined and feisty. She talks a lot and is never still and has a compassionate heart. She meets a law man, who is in charge of protecting two prisoners set to testify in a murder trial. She and he set sparks to flying!
Zane Sager is a former soldier who is now in law enforcement. He has been charged with keeping two key witnesses in a murder safe until the trial. However, there is someone else who wants to silence these witnesses permanently. Zane must be a vigilant protector, but somehow he has become the object of affection/irritation of Miss Aurora Daughtry. She confounds him and attracts him. He doesn’t know which way is up, but he tries his best to remain focused on his job. Aurora sneaks under his radar and steals his heart, but can he let go of his mission of justice for a mentor and make peace with his past to grab hold of a future that sure will be a whirlwind?
I liked the sassy interaction between Aurora and Zane. Aurora’s soft heart and Zane’s protective nature are on full display. Their faith is seamlessly woven into their character. There are definitely some humorous moments in the story, and I appreciated this lighter portion of the story. I also noted Aurora’s keen business sense at the young age of 19. Come visit Daughtry House, sit a spell and get to know the three sisters who will change their part of the world, one person at a time.
Note: The opinions shared in this review are solely my responsibility.
lamb521 | 28 reseñas más. | Jul 15, 2020 |
I really enjoyed reading bout Aurora and how she is good at getting done what needs to be done even when the circumstances are not the best. She has done the best for her family getting them settled and ready to move to the next step, but now she faces a different challenge in the form of a

deputy marshal by the name of Zane Sager.

Zane is there to find a killer and keep the witnesses safe and has a not so great outlook. Aurora puts it on herself to try to help lighten his outlook and get a better outlook on life. About the time she is getting thorough though things happen that reinforce his prior outlook on life.

This book is great read and I would recommend it. It is the third book in a series, but can be read alone. I received a copy to read, the review is mine.
polarmath | 28 reseñas más. | Jul 13, 2020 |
I really enjoyed the way the author, Beth White, wove God naturally into the story. In everyday life, these types of questions do come up. I like reading about other people’s, or characters’, interactions with God because knowing Him is what brings us joy.

There was a scene in the beginning that seemed unnecessary. It didn’t make sense to me why the character would have allowed herself to be coerced into shopping at a bridal store if she had other plans already. But, it made sense later.

The rest of the book captivated me. In fact, it became hard to put it down to eat or sleep when the danger became intense. I liked it so much I want to read the first two books in the series as well.

There is real potential for a fourth book in The Daughtry House Series. I would love to read about the missing item. If you enjoy reading historical romance, I encourage you to get A Reckless Love. I enjoyed the ideas it discusses and the relationships!

I received a free advanced reader copy of this book. All opinions are completely my own.
BookofRuthAnn | 28 reseñas más. | Jul 13, 2020 |
This was a wonderful ending to a fantastic series. This made me laugh and cry. This gave an idea of how the southerners saw the northerners after the war and hopes the northerners saw the aftermath of the war. As it shows all people were to blame for what happened after the war was over. It was hard for everyone to be able to change with the times. Change is hard for all. I really liked how the Ku Klux Klan was handled at this time. That is not a time period I would have wanted to live through. I loved the characters in all of these books. I received a copy of this book from Revell for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
Virginia51 | 28 reseñas más. | Jul 13, 2020 |
Selah Daughtry is determined not to sell her family's plantation and surrounding lands, even thought she cannot afford to run them. After a near fatal accident, she meets a handsome Yankee who not only saves her life, but offers her a way to stay in her family home while returning it to its' former glory, not as a plantation, but as a hotel. As she cautiously begins renovations and the managing of such a massive undertaking, she is learning that all may not be as it seems in this wonderful opportunity. Someone has been sneaking around the grounds and shot at the inhabitants of the house. Will they ever be able to complete the renovations and open Daughtry House or will her dreams be shattered like broken glass?

This was a very good book. It took me a few pages to get into it, but once I did I was hooked!
chrirob | 22 reseñas más. | Jul 13, 2020 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
A Reckless Love is the last book in the Daughtry House series by Beth White. This book stars the youngest Daughtry sister, Aurora, in all her spunky, independent, determined glory. I love how each sister has her own personality that shines through the stories. The hero of this one, Zane Sager, is appealing and impressive in his honor, courage, and unassuming way. The relationship between Zane and Aurora was amusing and added a sense of fun to the book.

I enjoyed the setting in the south after the end of the Civil War and learning more about this slice of history. The end of the war certainly didn’t end the suffering on both sides. I admired the resourcefulness of the people through their many trials.

Many of the characters in this book appeared in the first two in the series, so it was fun to see what they were doing. I did have a bit of difficulty trying to keep everyone in the tale straight, as there were many secondary characters, and it had been a while since I’d read the other stories. Although this could be a standalone book, I would suggest reading the other two books first to get full enjoyment out of it.

Threads of healing, forgiveness, and love of family add inspiration and depth to the tale and add to the satisfaction of it. I will definitely be looking forward to more of Beth White’s writing.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy from the author/publisher through LibraryThing. All opinions are my own.
swissgranny | 28 reseñas más. | Jul 9, 2020 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
I loved this entire series and A Reckless Love was a great way to conclude it. As the youngest daughter, it was finally Aurora's turn to find love. It's best to read the books together and in order as they all tie together with an ongoing issue with the KKK and legal matters that wrap up in this third book. Beth White is a great writer; I have really enjoyed her books and highly recommend her as an author, as well, as this particular book/series. I love her characters and her settings for her books.
msh09 | 28 reseñas más. | Jul 7, 2020 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
The youngest Daughtry daughter, Aurora, is tired of being treated as the baby of the family. When the opportunity to turn a saloon into a boarding house presents itself, she is eager for the challenge. She is also interested to know what her brother-in-law and future brother-in-law are up to, and sets her sits on getting her information from the cynical lawman, Zane Sager.

Having read the previous two books, I felt a little let-down. While Aurora is a bubbly and cheerful character, she is a spoiled southern belle and those around her just...let her get away with a lot. This made it difficult to like her. Her infatuation with Zane occurred faster than I would have liked and, as my wording hints at, I doubted any romantic attachment.

Zane, on the other hand, was very interesting. We are introduced to him first when he survives the explosion on the Sultana. Before that, he was imprisoned in a southern Rebel prison of war. His drive to catch the man who tortured him and killed his mentor made him relatable. He resisted Aurora's flirting at first, which made me respect him more.

Had the romance been given more time to grow, I might have enjoyed it more. Overall, the plot moves fast and the book as a whole it well written. Readers who enjoy historical romance set in the years after the Civil War and have followed the Daughtry House series will not want to miss this.

I received a free copy from the publisher, and all opinions expressed are my own.
TheQuietReader | 28 reseñas más. | Jul 4, 2020 |
This seems to be a timely book to read right now as our nation faces division. It was quite interesting to read about the Mason-Dixon Line. Not everyone was thrilled that slavery had been abolished and you could feel tension in the air.

Aurora and Zane are quite a pair as they try to maneuver through a relationship. I wasn’t sure who had the stronger personality as they both seemed to get on each other’s nerves. I have to say I enjoyed reading how these two could change their minds about each other at the drop of a hat. The author really does a good job of slowly allowing us to witness their emotional growth in several areas.

The story does tackle sensitive subjects like racism and the KKK. Zane has his hands full trying to protect witnesses while looking for a murderer. There is a lot of pressure on him and you can sense his need to rely on his faith to not give up. The author does not shy away from subjects that are uncomfortable but delivers a powerful account of a time period that caused many to become enemies against friends and family.

I’m sad to see the series end but am very pleased with how each book flowed gracefully into the next without missing a beat. I do recommend reading the books in order to familiarize yourself with characters that make appearances in the other books. The author’s writing is like a breath of fresh air as the stories intercept each other in an epic adventure of faith , hope and love.

I received a copy of this book from Revell Publishing. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 28 reseñas más. | Jul 3, 2020 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
Not having read the earlier books in the The Daughtry House series, I had no expectations for A Reckless Love and was pleasantly surprised by this enjoyable historical romance. Set in the aftermath of the Civil War, Zane and Aurora find themselves embroiled in Ku Klux Klan troubles as well as the dangers that follow Zane as he pursues a criminal from his past. I like historical novels and Beth White writes well, as the story is rich in period details and historical flavor. With great, well-developed characters, a story line that is action-packed, spiritual truths, suspense, and a sweet romance and, voilá, A Reckless Love is a great book for readers who love historical romance fiction.
I received a complimentary copy of the book from LibraryThing and was not required to write a review. The opinions are my own.
Anne_Rightler | 28 reseñas más. | Jul 2, 2020 |
“Zane’s first thought when he came to was that the world was coming to an end.” With an explosive start like that, Beth White quickly lights a fire under the reader to delve into her last story of the Daughtry House series, A Reckless Love.
I was a little confused at first, because this sister’s chronicle backtracks a little from where the last book ended. But White has her reasons. By the way, this is one series that needs to be read in order.
The year is 1870, and slavery has been abolished. Many on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line struggle with racial equality. When Judge Teague, a beloved mentor of Deputy Marshall Sager, is attacked for ruling over a race-related trial, Sager vows to visit justice upon the guilty. Sager gets to know the Daughtry sisters as he works with Riggins, Selah’s husband, who is also a Pinkerton. Both men are working at ending organized racial intimidation and suppression in the South.
I find Aurora amazing in that she has a good business head at nineteen, but she is also high-handed, determined to orchestrate events as she sees fit. Every one else had better get in line behind her. She is a tough cookie but loves anyone with a good heart. She is brave and unconventional.
Sager is independent, also brave, and other than the judge, not one to be close to others. His appearance helps out his tenacious personality, but he is hiding a weakness. Plus, he failed at the protection gig once. He is afraid of failing again. If “there is no fear in love,” then there is no love in fear.
White, like Joelle, has a proclivity towards big words. I had to google quite a few definitions. I very much enjoyed getting to know all three of the Daughtry sisters in this series.
Notable Quotables:

”Find a man who serves Christ first. Then his love for you will fall rightly.”

“Honey, we all get left behind at some time or another. Only one person is always there.”

“And when somebody gives you a hand out of the mud, you don’t spit on it just because it doesn’t land you exactly where you want to go.”

“...secrets were burdensome things.”

“...he packed more raw emotion into one eye than most people conveyed in two.”

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author and Revell Reads program. This in no way affects my opinions, which are solely my own.
Becky_L | 28 reseñas más. | Jun 30, 2020 |