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This was a good story, a retelling of the story of the girl whose brothers are turned into swans and she has to make them shirts from nettles. This has a few twists that refresh it and made it really stand out to me.
Rowenna Winthrop has always known that she has magic and wants her mother to teach her but her mother thinks that she needs some maturity first, until her mother dies. Then her mother comes back but wrong and mutes her, changes her brothers and a boy who came to her for help into swans and runs her away from her village. She has to find a way to break the curses and to survive and the price is high.
There are some moments when things are messy in this story and she often has to make hard choices but it was a really great read.
wyvernfriend | otra reseña | Feb 20, 2024 |
I like that this book reminds the reader of the trip to Narnia that C.S. Lewis took us on decades ago but that this story focuses on how the travel to a different world affected the children once they are returned to their proper timeline.
I love the struggles that the sisters face and the different emotions they feel upon their return. I will definitely look for more of Laura's books in the future.
Shauna_Morrison | 14 reseñas más. | Jan 21, 2024 |
* I got this book for review*

I really enjoyed this read. It was so eerie and creepy and such a engaging read. I normally never read standalone reads. This one captured me from page one. I also really liked the friendship the developed with Wyn throughout the read, I also really liked how the magic system developed. I also really liked how found family was the heart of this read. I really would rec this read for the halloween season!! I really did grow to love the main character in the read!!
lmauro123 | 8 reseñas más. | Dec 28, 2023 |
*I got this book for review for my honest thoughts*

I was impressed by this novel. I went into this book curious by the topic but overall this book was such a fast pace/engaging read. I really loved how this book was structured both with the duel characters and the duel timelines. I really found the "fantasy" world to be a world that even I wanted to attend and really liked the the POV of both girls. I was a bit more invested in Phillipa storyline. I really also enjoyed the elements of poetry and how that was structured in to the novel. I also liked the historical fiction novel and how relastic these characters storylines was. I also like both girls love intreats and really enjoyed this read. I thought it was sold standalone as well and hope to read more book by this author in the future.
lmauro123 | 14 reseñas más. | Dec 28, 2023 |
* I got this book for review*

I really enjoyed this read. It was so eerie and creepy and such a engaging read. I normally never read standalone reads. This one captured me from page one. I also really liked the friendship the developed with Wyn throughout the read, I also really liked how the magic system developed. I also really liked how found family was the heart of this read. I really would rec this read for the halloween season!! I really did grow to love the main character in the read!!
lmauro123 | 8 reseñas más. | Dec 28, 2023 |
*I got this book for review for my honest thoughts*

I was impressed by this novel. I went into this book curious by the topic but overall this book was such a fast pace/engaging read. I really loved how this book was structured both with the duel characters and the duel timelines. I really found the "fantasy" world to be a world that even I wanted to attend and really liked the the POV of both girls. I was a bit more invested in Phillipa storyline. I really also enjoyed the elements of poetry and how that was structured in to the novel. I also liked the historical fiction novel and how relastic these characters storylines was. I also like both girls love intreats and really enjoyed this read. I thought it was sold standalone as well and hope to read more book by this author in the future.
lmauro123 | 14 reseñas más. | Dec 28, 2023 |
Plenty of grittiness and treachery in here with a gutsy heroine and a very flawed thief who can't leave her, even though running away has been his pattern for much of his life (as the story unfolds, his behavior makes a lot more sense). When you read this, you can't help but cringe at how nearly everyone treats females. I really liked the wanderers who took Anya in when she was feeling incredibly lost. Bloody in places, but very appropriately so. A darn fine read.
sennebec | otra reseña | Dec 18, 2022 |
Once every eighteen years, the isolated forest village of Weatherell is asked to send one girl to the god of the mountain to give a sacrifice before returning home. Twins Anya and Ilva Astraea are raised with this destiny in mind, and when their time comes, spirited Ilva volunteers to go. Her devoted sister Anya is left at home to pray for Ilva’s safe return. But Anya’s prayers are denied.

With her sister dead, Anya volunteers to make a journey of her own to visit the god of the mountain. But unlike her sister, sacrifice is the furthest thing from Anya’s mind. Anya has no intention of giving anything more to the god, or of letting any other girl do so ever again. Anya Astraea has not set out to placate a god. She’s set out to kill one.
rachelprice14 | otra reseña | Nov 30, 2022 |
A rich, dark fantasy that has a great cast of characters, deception, betrayal, and delicious monsters. This one pulled me in quickly and kept me entranced all the way to the last page.
sennebec | otra reseña | Dec 30, 2021 |
For a 29 year old it was too young of a book for me to really care about. I did listen to it on audible so IDK if that makes a difference if it were to be read instead. I personally think this is more for high school age individuals.
Hollee.Archibald | 8 reseñas más. | Nov 25, 2021 |
What happens in the aftermath of adventure? This is the story of the Hapwell family, trying to piece a life back together in England after the fantasy of a lifetime.
Nikki_Sojkowski | 14 reseñas más. | Aug 26, 2021 |
DNF at about 75 pages. Not for me.
elenaj | 14 reseñas más. | Jul 31, 2020 |
This book shook me. It deals alot with PTSD and mental illness. It's about internal strength, the love between sisters, and how no one judges you as harshly as yourself. This after Narnia novel's sprinkling of magic balances perfectly with the darker themes and will follow me for days. I highly recommend.
JulianaMD | 14 reseñas más. | Jun 1, 2020 |
Someone recently asked if gothic lit is still strong in modern YA.

"I don't know," I replied, shoving aside thoughts of Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights inspired music video. Later that afternoon, I resumed reading Treason of Thorns and I realized I was reading a new YA gothic novel.

Well then.

And honestly, this understanding of the genre made the book that much better. One example centers on Vi's fixation with her House, Burleigh. Burleigh this, Burleigh that, oh my dear poor, neglected Burleigh. Before, through my fantasy lens, this was a bit tiresome. However, looking at it as a gothic story, this totally made sense. Burleigh is enchanting, consuming, and equal parts setting/character/plot.

*Thank you Harper Teen for the ARC*
Pascale1812 | 8 reseñas más. | Apr 16, 2020 |
Literary Merit: Great
Characterization: Good
Recommended: Yes
Level: Late Middle/High School

I honestly really enjoyed this book, though it had a very simple and contained story. While I certainly love sprawling, epic fantasies or realistic fiction full of heavy themes, it was nice to just read a decent historical fantasy where I didn't have to rely on my knowledge of actual history (which is very minimal) to enjoy the story. While I do wish some things had been explored more (like Violet's mother and her sudden friendship with Espie), my praise far outweighs any minor complaints I might have.

A Treason of Thorns tells the story of young Violet Sterling, who has been trained her entire life to do one thing, and one thing alone: look after Burleigh House as its guardian and Caretaker. In Violet's world, the land is ruled by a king and five Great Houses, each of which is cared for by a Caretaker. This Caretaker is given the key to the house, allowing him or her to channel its magic and bring prosperity to the land and people around it. When Violet's father (the current Caretaker) is accused of treason and placed on house arrest, Violet is sent away to live with family friends until the day her father dies from being placed on house arrest and consumed by the house.

Upon her return years later, Violet finds her home in a state of disrepair, and her childhood friend Wyn grown up and resentful of her and her father. The cruel and controlling king gives Violet an ultimatum: repair the failing house by the end of the summer, or it will be burned to the ground before it can unleash harmful magic on the countryside. The catch? She must do so without the key, which would allow her to safely channel the house's magic as a true Caretaker. It is then up to Vi to decide whether to play by the king's rules, or risk everything to finish what her father started and set Burleigh free.

I can honestly say that I was intrigued by this premise from the very first page, though it never dug as deep into the concept as I would've liked. As someone who grew up in the same childhood home for most of my life, I could easily relate to the attachment we feel for our homes, and Violet's is made even stronger by the fact that her house can think and feel as any person might. I instantly sympathized with her devotion to her magical house, even when it seemed clear that there were more sinister things going on beneath the surface. I also really enjoyed that, while this is clearly set in England during a time period before cars, plumbing, and modern technology, the story never gets bogged down by politics or real historical events. It's a fantasy version of historic England, with magic houses and a greedy king who wants their power for himself. The premise is simple, but easy to follow, and didn't require me to check a glossary every other page to figure out which historical figure was which. If I'm going to read historical fantasy, this is the kind I prefer, as it requires very little effort on my part.

I also really enjoyed the relationship between Wyn and Violet, which felt very genuine and sweet. The two start off as friends, and begin to develop a more romantic bond later in the book. We then find out that Wyn has bound himself to the house to protect Vi from being consumed by it, proving that he values her above everything and everyone else. This was not only incredibly sweet, but added a huge level of tension to the plot, as I had no idea whether Wyn would live or sacrifice himself in the end. I'm a sucker for a sweet romance in fantasy novels, and this one certainly gave me something to root for.

Similarly, the familial relationships in this book also felt very real, from Vi's constantly changing opinion of her father, to her feelings for her foster parents Mira and Jed. Even the relationship between Vi and Frey was sweet, as she loved Vi's father and acted almost like a fun but stern aunt. This book heavily preaches the idea that families are not only biological; they can sometimes be the family we choose for ourselves as well. For instance, Vi feels extremely abandoned by her mother, who walked out after having enough of Vi's father's devotion to Burleigh house. Because of this, Vi views Mira as a mother figure, and Jed as a father figure due to the fact that she has lived in exile away from her home with them for many years. Vi's initial warm feelings towards her biological father begin to fade when we find out that he forced Wyn to bind himself to the house in order to save her, thus dooming her dearest friend to a death sentence. The emotions and relationships in this book are as complicated as those in real life, a touch that added a lot of emotional depth to this story.

While I enjoyed the friendship between Vi and Espie (I will ALWAYS support a strong female friendship), it felt a little un-earned at times. Vi goes from hating Esperanza and thinking she's a spoiled brat to INSTANTLY trusting her and becoming her best friend, even giving her the nickname "Espie." This would've made sense to me if the two girls had grown up getting to know and trust one another, but Esperanza literally shows up one day after years away, insists that Vi can trust her, and the two are instantly inseparable friends. I would've liked to see this develop more, and for Espie to get more of a spotlight as the rebel princess defying her father for the greater good (I obviously thought she was a really awesome character).

In fact, there are many things in this novel I would've liked to see explored further, namely Vi's mother and the other Great Houses. Throughout the book, the other houses are mentioned, and one of the Caretakers even appears in a flashback, but we never meet any of them in the story and they never play a larger role in Vi's quest to unbind her house. Considering her father was working with the other Caretakers to find the deeds to the houses, it would've made sense if they had teamed up with Vi instead of Albert and Espie to finish her father's work, but they barely get even a mention throughout the book. Because this Great House idea was such a cool premise for a story, I thought it was a bit of a shame that the story stayed so small and contained. I think there was a lot that could have been explored, but the author was more focused on Vi and Wyn's story than building up this world. I would ultimately love to see this explored in a sequel, but I don't currently see any plans for one in the works.

I would also like to see more explored with Vi's mother, who disappears from the story and is barely ever mentioned again. It's clear from flashbacks that Vi's mother really cared about her, and valued her safety above the well-being of Burleigh house (to the point that her and Vi's father argued about it constantly), and yet she makes no real effort to reach out to Vi or protect her in any way. It's mentioned that she's been sending letters "begging" Vi to come live with her, but never makes an effort to seek her out or visit her despite having these apparently strong feelings towards her daughter. This bothered me, as I would've liked to see some kind of resolution to this plot, but it goes nowhere and is dropped halfway through in favor of focusing on Wyn and Vi. Don't get me wrong; I loved the simple, sweet love story, but I think a lot of plot points were introduced and then brushed aside for the sake of this romance.

Overall, this book was fairly enjoyable and had an engaging story and characters. It's not the biggest or most in-depth fantasy I've ever read, but it was a simple story that managed to capture my attention and leave me in suspense. I rooted for the characters and their romance, and I kept reading on with interest to find out what would happen next. It's not life-changing or anything, but I don't think every book necessarily has to be in order to be worth my time. I think fans of historical fantasy would enjoy this book, and the best part is that it seems totally safe for middle school readers, as there is no cursing or sexual content. There is a tad bit of violence (we see blood and a dead body at one point), but nothing to the level of The Hunger Games or similar reads. If this premise seems at all interesting to you, I would give it a shot; just be aware that you might be left with an unfulfilled desire to know more about this world and the characters who inhabit it.
SWONroyal | 8 reseñas más. | Feb 13, 2020 |
The concept of A TREASON OF THORNS is what drew me to read it, but the story didn't blow me away.

I liked Violet, I liked the storyline, and I enjoyed the secondary characters. A TREASON OF THORNS was a decent read, but I would have liked more out of it. Maybe world-building could have been a little stronger? Maybe a shorter read or more happening within the lengthy pages?

I am not disappointed that I read A TREASON OF THORNS, but if there happened to be more books after this, I probably wouldn't read it.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
STACYatUFI | 8 reseñas más. | Dec 1, 2019 |
2½ ★ may seem harsh, but Laura Weymouth’s novel was too plodding and undeveloped for my tastes. The concept was brilliant, with having the 3 children whirled off to a different world, where they lived for a tumultuous period in that fantastic place. However, an excellent theme doesn’t make up for the prolonged misery that the reader has to wade through to the dénouement.

Towards the last half of the story, we hear Philippa’s story. I enjoyed this part of the narrative much more than the earlier developments with Evelyn. While Evie’s story was told with superb insights into such angst, it did not evolve into a meaningful resolution and ended rather lamely. And what of Jamie? His participation was rather poorly detailed, appearing at intervals driving around in his car, and propping up his sisters.½
SandyAMcPherson | 14 reseñas más. | Oct 30, 2019 |
Violet Sterling grew up in one of England's five Great Houses. Her father was caretaker to the house's magic, and Violet knew that she would someday take on that role. A Caretaker puts her house before everything else: king, country, family, even her own life. And Violet is willing to do that for Burleigh House. But then her father is charged with treason and sentenced to House Arrest -- he will be stripped of the key that enables him to channel the house's magic, and without that, the house will slowly consume him. His only companion is Wyn, the foundling boy that he adopted, supposedly to be a companion for Violet -- but it seems that he actually had other plans for Wyn all along. Years later, when Violet gets the news that her father has died and Burleigh House is in a sorry state, she begs the king for the opportunity to go back to Burleigh and restore it. Wyn is still there, but his experiences have changed him. He's bitter and harsh, and tells Violet that she should run now, while she still can. Violet is determined to save Burleigh, no matter the cost -- even if it means repeating her father's treason.

This is a fascinating, dark fantasy. The house is an ambiguous character, slightly menacing but also affectionate at times. I had trouble relating to Violet's choices and never got a real feeling for the romance between her and Wyn (which never really advances beyond a finger stroked along the side of a face, and maybe some anguished looks). If you like dark fantasy and sentient houses, I'd recommend this one. I didn't like it as much as the author's first book (The Light Between Worlds), but that one is hard to top for me. Fantasy fans should take note of this book, nevertheless.
foggidawn | 8 reseñas más. | Oct 21, 2019 |
What happened to Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy when they returned to England from Narnia? Laura Weymouth answers this question with new characters and a new world. But The Light Between Worlds is not a spinoff of C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles. It is a unique and beautifully told story of the fierce love between sisters and of choices and consequences. Evelyn and Philippa are swept into the fantastical Woodlands on one night of the London blitz. The story is told in two parts: one in Evie’s voice, the other in Philippa’s. I fell in love with Evie’s story. She feels more at home in the Woodlands than she ever did in England, as I feel more at home in the West than I did in New England. The sisters must each find their own way, and one’s choice gravely affects the other. Ms. Weymouth also introduces the reader to a variety of poets, in particular Sara Teasdale, by inserting poems at key points in the plot. For me, the theme of the story is in Evie’s words: “Every day is a treasure, every chance meeting a gift, and I will treat them as such …” May we all seek to live as fully.
bookwren | 14 reseñas más. | Oct 7, 2019 |
A Treason of Thorns by Laura E Weymouth is a darkly charming tale about a magical House, a dying land, and bonds that transcend notions of animate/sentient and inanimate/non-sentient. Violet Sterling grew up in the shadow of Burleigh House, one of England's Great Houses whose magic sustains (or condemns) the land. Her father was Burleigh's Caretaker, charged with managing the House's magic, until he was convicted of treason and the talisman that allows him to safely channel Burleigh's magic is taken away. He was left in House arrest, to suffer the consequences of using the magic with no safety. Violet and two servants who are more like family move to the fenlands, though Sterling's ward Wyn stays behind. When her father finally succumbs to the inevitable excruciating death, Violet is brought back, not as Caretaker, but to help put Burleigh to rights and accept a new Caretaker chosen by the King. Seven long years have passed since she saw the House last, and it is crumbling under the weight and pain of its unused magic. After learning the truth about her father's treason, and being denied the chance to be Caretaker in her own right, Violet sets out to free Burleigh from the chains that bind the House to the monarchy.

I loved this book! Burleigh House reminded me of the Warehouse from Warehouse 13, which also needs a Caretaker linked to its magic. And like Burleigh, the Warehouse may not 'speak', but it can get its point across quite well, and has a personality all its own. That the magic is tied to the land makes sense. It seems to be the interface point between humans and the vast, indifferent magic that sustains the land. It's so sad that the humans, both in England, and in the mainland, have enslaved the Great Houses, claiming the power for themselves. And I so felt for the weight of Burleigh's pain! As someone who lives daily in varying degrees of pain, from a 4, to a 'stepping on a small blue Lego whilst running full-tilt', this resonated deeply with me. And just… the notion of enslaving something humans don't understand but just want to control, without caring about its sentience, sickens my heart.

Vi seems very much like the dedicated Caretakers of the Warehouse, linked as she is to Burleigh and its moods despite not actually being Caretaker. She puts its needs first, above all else. She has great support too, and from some rather unlikely places. People who want to help her succeed where her father failed. Because now the stakes are so much higher, and risk Burleigh's destruction. Which, as it turns out, would be very bad. Like Vesuvius level bad.

The manifestation and cost of using the House magic were very neat concepts, and made it clear why the talismans were needed by the Caretakers. Its a bond both symbiotic, and parasitic depending on a number of factors. Ideally it should always be symbiotic, but the bindings have effed with that… I don't want to spoil the uniqueness, but its very house specific. One thing I will say is that I loved the memory magic Burleigh could pull off, and how vivid it could be. And oh but the archaeologist in me would love to explore all the things the Houses have seen. The history witnessed. The changing generations. The stuff of any historian's dreams!

Highly recommended!

*****Many thanks to HarperTeen for providing a copy in exchange for a fair and honest review. Reviewed for FFBC Tours.
PardaMustang | 8 reseñas más. | Sep 16, 2019 |
I had high hopes for this one but I didn't end up really liking it. It was pretty slow and dragged quite a bit. At first it reminded me almost exactly of the Narnia books, then as the story progressed it definitely got darker and more complex. I felt Phil was pretty selfish and annoying for the most part. My heart broke for poor Evie and the difficult time she was having. I did like the little bit of mystery that was included and the time period it was set. So overall it was a little better than just ok for me which is why I went ahead with 3 stars.
KeriLynneD | 14 reseñas más. | Mar 23, 2019 |
Literary Merit: Good
Characterization: Good
Level: Middle/High
Recommended: Yes

During a bomb raid in WWII, siblings Phillipa, Jamie, & Evelyn are transported to a fantasy world called the Woodlands. Led by Cervus, the Guardian of the Woodlands, the Hapwell siblings stay for six years, living and fighting alongside the Woodlanders. When Phillipa decides it’s time to go back to London, Jamie & Evelyn go with her, but Evelyn yearns to go back to the Woodlands, even after she’s safely back in London at the exact time she left. When Evelyn goes missing a few years later, Phillipa has to come to terms with her guilt as well as the part she played in Evelyn’s unhappiness, and she returns home from the United States to help find Evelyn.

The first half of the story is told from Evelyn’s point of view; the second half is from Phillipa’s point of view. I enjoyed Phillipa’s telling of the story much more than Evelyn’s since Evelyn was so very focused on getting back to the Woodlands that it consumed her every waking and sleeping thought. Evelyn was clearly depressed--maybe even suicidal--and no matter what anyone said or did, she could not be brought out of her depression. Phillipa’s story was more nuanced, even though she was consumed by guilt and regret. She was a more well-rounded character, and therefore much more likeable. The similarities to the Chronicles of Narnia cannot be denied. It may have been Weymouth’s desire to show what happened to the Pevensies when they returned from Narnia, but readers familiar with the Narnia series will not be able to move beyond the obvious similarities. The cover of the book is what will draw readers in, but the Narnia knock-off will be a real turn-off to Narnia fans. Those unfamiliar with Narnia may be intrigued by the story, but readers would be better off reading the original. Recommended for gr. 8-12.
SWONroyal | 14 reseñas más. | Mar 3, 2019 |
I really had hoped that this book would be good, because it seemed like an interesting premise. Problem is, once I started reading, it was basically a retelling of the Chronicles of Narnia.

Basic Plot: Kids are pulled from war-torn Britain and end up in an enchanted forest. They meet the animal who is 'king' of said forest. Children have to protect the forest from the evil that wants to hurt the forest and all that's in it.

The only redeeming quality IMO is that it is told from two points of view-but Evelyn frustrated me from page 1, and Philippa isn't much better.
JennVelez | 14 reseñas más. | Feb 9, 2019 |
I just couldn't finish this book. I made it a hundred pages into the story (mostly by skimming) and was so bored with it that I couldn't force myself to go any further. So I flipped to the back of the book and read the last couple of chapters, decided that I honestly didn't care about this story at all, and back to the library it went.

It reminds me a lot of the Narnia series, from what little I can remember (I read it in fourth grade, which was a LONG time ago). I enjoyed the Narnia series much more, from what I can recall.

I really wanted to love this book, but I found the back-and-forth between "present" (post-WW2 Britain) and "past" (Ev's time in the Woodlands) to be distracting. And Ev was so depressed in the present time that it was hard for me to feel any connection to her at all.
schatzi | 14 reseñas más. | Jan 30, 2019 |
"A Woodlands heart always finds its way home."
It's what Cervus the Great Stag told Philippa, Jamie, and Evelyn when they arrived in the Woodlands, called out of the misery and terror of hiding in a London bomb shelter into the beauty and serenity of the forest. And it's what Cervus told them, five and a half years later, when he sent them back and told them that he would not be able to call them again. Life after the Woodlands has been an adjustment for all three of them. Jamie has set his mind on conquering academics and making his way in this world, and Philippa has done the same, albeit with lipstick and nylons and school projects and social clubs. But Evelyn's Woodlands heart refuses to accept the return to this world, and she pines for what she considers her true home. She wanders the forests around her boarding school late at night, often without shoes or coat, yearning for the same call that drew her away before -- and Philippa, outwardly so collected and sophisticated, has been doing all she can to help Evelyn adjust. But now Philippa has gone away to school in America, leaving Evelyn on her own for the first time since they returned. Will Evelyn be able to finally make her way in this world?

This is a beautiful book, full of deep emotion and difficult choices. One gets the sense that there can't really be a happy ending for these characters, though one hopes for certain outcomes above others. The narration follows Evelyn for the first half of the book, immersing the reader in Evelyn's desperate longing for her other world, and then switches to Philippa for the second half of the book, adding complexity to the emotional tone as one learns more about both sisters. Layered in with Evelyn's narration are snippets of their lives in the Woodlands, and interspersed with Philippa's are memories of life after the Woodlands but before the book's current events. Both sisters relate strongly to art (poetry for Evelyn, visual art for Philippa) as a means of making sense of their lives and emotions.

Though you certainly can understand and enjoy this book without having read The Chronicles of Narnia, if you have read those books, you can't help but see how this book takes those events and characters and asks, "What if?" What might happen after Narnia, to someone like Lucy who loved that world with all her heart? Why might Susan have made the decision to become very grown up, as far from her fantasy-realm self as possible? I felt that this book was both a love letter to and a criticism of Narnia. However, I didn't find the Woodlands sections themselves very compelling, which is why I'd rate this book 4.5 instead of 5 stars -- there just wasn't enough depth there to really convey why Evelyn felt such an emotional connection. Understandable, since this book isn't really about the Woodlands, it's about life after. Still, I felt that those portions paled in comparison with the rest of the book, which brought tears to my eyes more than once. Highly recommended both to those who loved and still love Narnia, and to those who loved but found themselves disillusioned by it later on.½
foggidawn | 14 reseñas más. | Jan 9, 2019 |