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Autor de The Ghost Lake

1 Obra 1 Miembro 1 Reseña


I do rants and I am fucking perfect at it.

Memoir of grief? Of ancestry? No.

Do you want to read a book loaded with every loathable trope in contemporary nature -or as others call it, ''eco-writing''? -then, knock yourselves out with this one.
The ''writer'' thinks it is ''fashionable'' to be distanced from your parents. To turn the 'he' of the myths into a 'she' because DOWN WITH THE PATRIARCHY! She thinks we are stupid and need to be told that she ''didn't fit in'' twenty bloody times. Do you want pseudo-philosophy? We got you covered.
Why do contemporary ''writers'' - especially women - feel the need to declare that they're either not religious or atheists? Who gives a bloody fuck what you are? Yes, by all means, choose to pour honey into the ears of a slim neo-leftist/neo-pagan/ neo-nothing minority and offend 95% of the population. I bet you wouldn't have the ball to say this in one of your beloved Mohammedan countries, would you?

This is the product of a pretentious idiot who thinks she is Shakespeare reborn. The wailing nonsense of a self-absorbed person who tries to pass as a writer, following the newly-found fashion of nature writing as a smokescreen to advance an agenda.

You don't respect me as a reader, I don't respect you as a writer. But believing in magic mounts and solstices is easier and more convenient than believing in The One who suffered for us.
AmaliaGavea | May 11, 2024 |