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My Folks Depression Days
Always find it interesting to hear of how others survived when the stock market crashed.
This surrounds a family in Kansas, farmers and the crops are not producing as much as they have in the past.
Hand me downs are a thing that is common, not only do folks help one another, they help others.
Love egg skin bandages LOL Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without. Cloth sacks, a thing of the past most useful.
Loved hearing about the CCC, WPA, etc worked and think they may be the solution today. Get people to work and strengthen our infrastructure.
Love stories from all over the US during the hard times. Ah chilviaries! Think I would have done well during this time growing up.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
jbarr5 | Apr 23, 2015 |