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This is a simple book about reworking your path in life. There's nothing groundbreakingly new or insightful, per se. But, it's still well written and well structured. It breaks down a path of change, in small manageable steps to help us make the most of our time, and get out of the ruts we sometimes find ourselves in.
Melissalovesreading | Sep 30, 2018 |
You've probably heard most of the advice before. However, Watkins is smart, funny, and wants to coach you through this. She also stresses that journaling is a necessary part of the process. Having done things like this in the past, I agree. It helps to clarify where you want to go, but more importantly, you have something tangible at the end so you can see how far you came in your accomplishments. And, since our goals change as we go through life, we can see what worked, what didn't for each of us individually. Just because a specific technique worked for me doesn't mean it will work for you.
ellenuw | Jan 27, 2016 |
I was very excited to read this book. I love the premise of increasing resilience and forgiveness.

It started off very touching, when Evelyn talks about the abuse she endured as a child. It was difficult to read, and I applaud the author for making it through such an awful childhood.

I liked the author's biographical information, as well as her reflections. She made it through with her faith in God. And that's where she lost me. There were too many bible quotes for my liking, and I just glossed over the rest of the book.

I had hoped that there were more suggestions to improve resilience and forgiveness, other that reading the bible and believing in God.
katsmiao | Oct 23, 2015 |
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