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Scale 1:443,520 Map companion to the OS Waterways Guides
ME_Dictionary | Mar 20, 2020 |
A good beginners' guide and reference to early ciphers.
xerocrypt | Feb 17, 2013 |
A specialist travel guide to the canals of England and Wales. What to expect and what to see. Where to eat and where to get fresh water. Places to moor your boat and a little of the canal history create and interesting book of maps. Good for the walker, boater and other inland waterways enthusiasts. Written in an easy style and with enough detail to help you plan your journey.
Mike-Fitzgibbons | Sep 30, 2012 |
A specialist travel guide to the canals of England and Wales. What to expect and what to see. Where to eat and where to get fresh water. Places to moor your boat and a little of the canal history create and interesting book of maps. Good for the walker, boater and other inland waterways enthusiasts. Written in an easy style and with enough detail to help you plan your journey.
Mike-Fitzgibbons | Sep 30, 2012 |
A specialist travel guide to the canals of England and Wales. What to expect and what to see. Where to eat and where to get fresh water. Places to moor your boat and a little of the canal history create and interesting book of maps. Good for the walker, boater and other inland waterways enthusiasts. Written in an easy style and with enough detail to help you plan your journey.
Mike-Fitzgibbons | Sep 30, 2012 |
A specialist travel guide to the canals of England and Wales. What to expect and what to see. Where to eat and where to get fresh water. Places to moor your boat and a little of the canal history create and interesting book of maps. Good for the walker, boater and other inland waterways enthusiasts. Written in an easy style and with enough detail to help you plan your journey.
Mike-Fitzgibbons | Sep 30, 2012 |
A specialist travel guide to the canals of England and Wales. What to expect and what to see. Where to eat and where to get fresh water. Places to moor your boat and a little of the canal history create and interesting book of maps. Good for the walker, boater and other inland waterways enthusiasts. Written in an easy style and with enough detail to help you plan your journey.
Mike-Fitzgibbons | Sep 30, 2012 |
This is an excellent audio course. I didn’t download it on to an mp3 player but used it on a laptop. I already knew a few basic phrases and because the CDs offer some flexibility you can (if you want to) skip to another track. I opted to listen from beginning to end in order to truthfully offer my opinion. When I loaded up the CD it works just like a music CD would but the tracks don’t actually have names. It would’ve been helpful, if instead of Track 1, it said Unit 1 Hello, for example. There is a male and female voice to listen to, this gave a variety and allowed you to hear different variations of the same word. It was good that explanations were given as to the stress of syllables for example; as this was something I hadn’t been told before.

One benefit of this audio course, apart from it’s flexibility, is that it suggests how long to spend learning for – an optimum 8-10 minutes, rather than encouraging you to plough through it all. By hearing the words spoken individually for you to get your tongue and head around, then hearing it spoken in conversation you get a fuller experience. It is real words that are spoken as well, not just the grammatically correct version that we all learn when studying language but aren’t understood when you get to the relevant country. The words/phrases are put in context so you actually get to hear the appropriate responses back, another thing that other language courses often fail to deliver. The only downside to the audio is the sound that indicates it is your turn to speak; it’s very quiet, even with the volume turned up all the way.

The accompanying booklet is useful to actually take away with you as there are extracts from each unit which includes key phrases and dialogue, plus any further explanations needed. I’ve found it very effective educationally using this particular audio course, and although I have only listened through once in order to offer an honest review, I will be going back in more detail to actually learn some of the language. If you were to use it in an education setting, this would be great over loud speakers, combined with flash cards for children (or adult learners). I would imagine it to be very effective.
SmithSJ01 | Jul 4, 2008 |
This map is rather large, so anyone looking for a small, basic map should look elsewhere. I found it to be of manageable size, though, and never once got lost on my last London trip. It's extremely detailed, and I always found it to be accurate. Better than this, however: the concierge at my hotel, when giving us directions to a sightseeing location, called it "quite a good map, really." High praise indeed!
librarymeg | Jul 2, 2007 |
I adore York, and used this city guide on at least one trip through. Probably could have used it on my first visit to the city, though, when I ended up wandering quite a ways away from the city centre.
herebedragons | Feb 2, 2007 |
From book: Scottish surnames alphabetically arranged to show clan or sept connection, or approximate district or century earliest known in Scotland.......Cross-references to other names in this list are printed in capitals. The names of associated clans are printed in italic type......Contents: What is your clan or district connection?- Clans of Scotland- Tartans- Description of the Clan Map of Scotland- List of Scottish sovereigns- list of sources of further information.
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dpk1927 | Apr 11, 2007 |
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