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Dave Tomlinson (2)

Autor de The Post-Evangelical

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12 Obras 389 Miembros 6 Reseñas

Obras de Dave Tomlinson


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I am not sure what to write as a review but this book really spoke to me. I will have to read it again as I don't think I have fully digested all that was there.
LisaBergin | otra reseña | Apr 12, 2023 |

This is a book for Christians, especially those involved in ministry, and that basically means it is not a book for me. I appreciate the author’s efforts to advocate a more open, more generous and more inclusive Christianity, but it’s not my circus and not my monkeys, and I put it aside after fifty earnest pages.… (más)
nwhyte | otra reseña | Nov 19, 2022 |
Much of this book I readily agree with and would jump to affirm. Yet a great deal is just a little too ‘liberal’ (horrible word) and universalistic to completely mesh with my personal theology.
But every chapter of it is challenging in a very positive way, and the author’s views are obviously very genuinely held. It is hard to fully disagree with a sincere expression of faith and belief rather than simply an academic exposition of a theoretical viewpoint.
He means it, believes it and is passionate about living it. I can disagree with the finer points of the author’s theology but ultimately it would appear that he (and his church) are very definitely living the gospel and this book is a challenge to all of us to demonstrate that we are making an attempt to do similar.… (más)
stevierbrown | otra reseña | Mar 22, 2016 |
‘How to be a bad Christian’ is about following Jesus, and reflecting God’s love without knowing Christian jargon, or understanding complex creeds. The author believes that Jesus was first and foremost compassionate, and entirely inclusive. He argues for a vital, living church that reaches out into communities, sharing the message of Jesus and allowing the Holy Spirit to do his work.

Specific chapters deal with topics such as living in the present, seeing God in suffering, appreciating the good in other religions, and thinking with the soul rather than accepting blindly what pastors might teach. His views on reading the Bible would undoubtedly make conservative eyebrows twitch; yet much of what he says makes a great deal of sense.

He introduces the concept of ‘spiritual intelligence’, and recommends the Enneagram, a personality system that looks at our motivations and stresses, rather than preferences and learning styles; there’s a brief appendix outlining how the nine different kinds of people tend to think. There were one or two places where, I felt the author almost crossed the line into the idea that truth is different for different people. Yet his faith shines through what he says, even when he’s tearing down the walls of much of what is done and said in the name of Christianity.

It’s a thought-provoking book which I would recommend to anyone, whatever their faith or lack thereof. Even if you don’t agree with it all, there's plenty to discuss if you keep an open mind.

I'd give this four-and-a-half stars if I could.
… (más)
SueinCyprus | otra reseña | Jan 26, 2016 |

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