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It happens to be nearly impossible to be black in this country and not live in fear for your life---and how horrible that we have not managed to move faster in the direction of acceptance instead of trying to move back to the 50's with the current administration. What an incredible, heart-breaking story Robbie Tolan has lived to tell. The book is current right up to the latest school shooting but his book is directed at the innocent lives, including his own, lost as a result of racial prejudice that pushes into so many interactions between authority figures and people with a skin color that doesn't happen to be...white. And although there are some remarkably wonderful people who tried to help, Robbie never did get justice -- he was denied, again and again. What was that original jury thinking???? This book needs to be read -- it is written in great detail--you step into Robbie's shoes because he gives you everything that has happened to him. It's a painful story but we all need to work, person to person, to crush stereotypes and try to understand each other as one human to another. Yes, this book affected me.
nyiper | Mar 1, 2018 |