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archivomorero | Jun 27, 2022 |
Libro con CD audio en formato MP3
museosanalberto | 10 reseñas más. | Jun 15, 2022 |
i have read it in fifth grade i love it .....
every character ,marie curie ,florence nightingale,ghandi ,Abraham Lincoln and his struggle against slavery...
ariesblue | Mar 31, 2013 |
Robin Hood was clever,strong and brave.
He took moey from rich people and gave it to poor people.

When I finished this book, I felt he was cool.
I respect his brave and calm.
I was so surprised that he was real person!½
pon123 | 15 reseñas más. | Jan 17, 2011 |
Sultan began to hate all women because of his wife's flirtation.
So he decided that he'll marry a new fife everyday and kill them.
sheherazade,a beautiful and clever woman,gave her name for his wihe.

I like the begining of the this story.
I think that the sultan is fearful but pathetic man.
pon123 | 17 reseñas más. | Jan 17, 2011 |
THIs is very famous story.This story is about Robin Hood's adventure.he is very strong and brave.I think he is very cool man.I want to be a man who help weak people
bach5 | 15 reseñas más. | Jan 13, 2011 |
This story is about Arabian king.He hear a lot of interesting story from his wife.This story has many intresting favorite tale is Aladdin.for the first time I know it in Disney movie.the tale is different from it.but ilove it too.
bach5 | 17 reseñas más. | Jan 13, 2011 |
Do you know him called Robin Hood?He is very famous around the world.
This book ,of course,is about Robin Hood.He robbed rich people and gave the money stolen from richi people to poor people.The greedy Sheriff hated Robin and Marian.So they have fought.

I have only heard about Robin,and he is the specialist of archery.I didn't know his action(fight,rob,help)in detail.
I was impressed with this poem.

Under this stone is Robin Hood.
Remember Robin and his men-
No braver man will come again½
gissa | 15 reseñas más. | Nov 13, 2010 |
At first,I chose this book because of this book's cover of nice man.
But when I began to read it,I felt this story was interesting!
This story told about King Arthur who was strong and had complex life.
Arthur was very brave man so I thought he was very cool.
But this book contains a few illustlations so it was difficult for me to understand detail scenes.
And I thought this story was little cruel because many people were killed in this story.
yukimaruge | 9 reseñas más. | Oct 31, 2010 |
Salem's father was very rich. When he died, he left his money and houses to his son. But Salem was young and lost the money very quickly.
Sultan was crazy about stories. I can enjoyed his change and stories at the same time.
d.lury | 17 reseñas más. | Oct 3, 2010 |
This story is very interesting. I haven't known the story well until I read this, but I could understand it well. I saw a movie "Alice in Wonderland" ,I thought that Alice's idea painting rose links this book. If you know this story, I want you to read this book. I think you can enjoy it.
ogura | Jun 6, 2010 |
Sultan Shahriar hated all women because he had been betrayed a previous wife once.So he cut off a new wife after staying with him for one night.No girl wanted to be the sultan' wife for one night and then die.Vizir' daughter,Sheherezade,was beautiful and very clever.One day she said to vizir that she wanted to be sultan's wife to make everybody happy.and she married him...
I enjoyed it very much.Some short stories which she tell are famous and I had listened to it when i was a child.Each story is like a lesson.and I like this story's ending.
kawayu | 17 reseñas más. | Jun 5, 2010 |
Robin hood is a famous person.
he lived in forest and he helped poor people.
this is good story.
yukaw | 15 reseñas más. | Jan 20, 2010 |
Sindbad go to sea seven times and he always get over hard situation.
I was bored while I read this book because a voyage is always similar to other voyages.
The story is sometimes cruel.
So I don't like this book.
KAERA | 10 reseñas más. | Dec 19, 2009 |
This story is a very famous man's story. Robin Hood who is a main character of this book lives in forest and rob rich people to give money to poor people. But the greedy of the land hates him. So the greedy will catch Robin Hood to kill him.
I think Robin Hood is a very braver man! He always thinks that he spend a happy life with his men and his girlfriend and that he helps poor people. If there is a man like Robin Hood, poor people around the world will decrease.½
chacochan | 15 reseñas más. | Dec 12, 2009 |
This book has many short stories.The main characters of this story are Sultan and Sheherezabe.One day,Sultan could't love any women.But,as Sheherezabe told some stories every naight,he became.I enjoyed tis book very much!All stories are very interesting.
sundy | 17 reseñas más. | Dec 6, 2009 |
Sindbad was a very rich man and had a beauyiful house.One day he began to be bored with his happy life.
He decided to go on a voyage all over the world.
I think he was a lucky in surviving voyages.Alah protects him from deadly danger.
This book was so exciting that I forgot blinking.½
bahlia | 10 reseñas más. | Dec 5, 2009 |
I liked it because there are different stories.

I like the story because it have many wisdoms and enough picture

I like this story because there are many story and Scheherazade is an intelligent woman.

like this book because the words are easy to understand, it science fiction.

I don't like the story because it is long, does not have enough of the photos and fictional. Also I liked the different stories in the story.

I liked it because there are different stories

Story of this book is very interesting, and this story is famous and very nice. the word of the book easy, but there are a few words new. the book contains pictures facilitate understanding of the story

I like this story because is a kind of love and romance and the story it is a famous in the world and she faithful to her husband.

I like this story becuase is a kind of love and very imaginative.

I like this story of the The Tales from The Arabian Nights because is has more interesting and it's famous . The story is nonreal and it is has word easy to understand .

I like this story because the Scheherazade can stop sultan kill women .

I like in this story smart for shahrazad and the story it has many nice stories inside one story.

This story is intersting very much ,there are many story that shahrazad told to shahrauar ,also there are many adventures in it. I like it so much.

I really like this book; it's so fun and intersting. I wished that the book would never end. I like many things about this book. I like the stories in the book and I learnt the moral of the story.
getreadingadw | 17 reseñas más. | Nov 24, 2009 |
This book is very interesting. It has a lot of old arab stories inside it. I found this book amazing because I like to read fiction stories. I recommend to other students who like fiction stories to read this book.

Fahad Abdelrazaq Saif
getreadingSMC | 17 reseñas más. | Nov 8, 2009 |
This story is King Arthur's story, and his life is full of suffering. He fought many time and all he won. Enemy who want to get the land became one after another. So he fought.
I like this book's picture. The last page's picture is impressive for me.½
Y-Kazamaturi | 9 reseñas más. | Oct 28, 2009 |
The story of Robin Hood is very famous. Robin Hood robbed rich people and gave the money to poor people. He loved adventure, and he was the best righter in England. The greedy Sheriff of Nottingham hated Robin, and the beautiful Lady Marian loved him. His most famous adventures are in this book.

This story about of Robin hood is very famous person and very kind, He help poor people and them money he loved some lady, I love this story because adventures and famous.

It is a classics story about robin hood.the robin hood is very famous. robin hood robbed rich people and gave the money to poor people. he loved adventure,and he was the best fighter in England.

I like this story because I'm a fan of adventure stories and identify Robin Hood because the story contains fight evil and good survival .

I like this story because he is rich and he likes to give poor people, he loves adventure and he was a best fighter

I like this story because he loves adventure and he is a best fighter.
getreadingadw | 15 reseñas más. | Oct 21, 2009 |
I read this book. There are many misterious stories. But each story is too short. So if it is more long, I like this book more!½
marinan | 17 reseñas más. | Oct 15, 2009 |
This book is King Arthur`s life story.
There are many love ,evil ,sad ,and so on.
I have not read this story ,so sometimes I do not know why he do like that. But this story is very interesting for me ,so some day I want to read the King Arthur`s book in Japanese.½
tamchan | 9 reseñas más. | Oct 8, 2009 |
It was too boring to read to end.I cannot understand t that this book is best seller.½
yukim | 15 reseñas más. | Sep 23, 2009 |
Sheherezade is beautiful and clever woman. She knows stories for a thousand and one nights. Night after night,she tells them to Sultan Shariar.
I think Sherezade is inteligent woman. Because she hit upon the way to stop Sultan's marder and she will not kill by Sultan.This exchange has some tension,I think too.
bun65 | 17 reseñas más. | Jul 22, 2009 |