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This is a very approachable book about Greek cooking. The author seems honest and endearing, and very trustworthy.

I have had some Greek food, but do not eat it regularly, so this review is coming from a novicey-newbie point of view. This cookbook is stuffed with recipes, more than I expected. Lately cookbooks have seemed to be a bit thin on quality content, but this is packed with well-known classics and recipes that I am unfamiliar with, and some that do not seem to be traditionally Greek.

The book is laid out much like how a modern cookbook is done, with the author's philosophy, ingredient and equipment explanations, and useful tips. Also provided is a directory of the recipes with cooking times and course type (Main, Dessert, etc), which I liked. There also was a directory of the seasonality of Mediterranean ingredients, which I can see would be useful for those trying to really work on their Mediterranean cooking skill, but was not interesting to me.

The recipes are clearly written, easy to understand and thorough. When reading them, I felt like I could achieve the results and not have too many questions about the processes included.

Overall, a lovely introduction to Greek cooking, and the cooking style of Chef Stratou. I would recommend this to anyone interested in Greek cuisine.

**eARC netgalley**
Critterbee | Apr 16, 2018 |