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Mark G. Sobell is president of Sobell Associates Inc.

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"Briet Contents" giver dette.
Indeholder "Contents", "Preface", "1. Welcome to Linux", "Part I. The Linux Operating System", "2. Getting Started", "3. Command Line Utilities", "4. The Linux Filesystem", "5. The Shell", "Part II. The Editors", "6. The VIM Editor", "7. The EMACS Editor", "Part III. The Shells", "8. The Bourne Again Shell", "9. The TC Shell", "Part IV. Programming Tools", "10. Programming Tools", "11. Programming the Bourne Again Shell", "12. The GAWK Pattern Processing Language", "13. The SED Editor", "Part V. Command Reference", "Command Reference", "Part VI. Appendices", "A. Regular Expressions", "B. Help", "C. Keeping the System Up-To-Date", "Glossary", "Index".
Contents giver dette.
Indeholder "Preface", "1. Welcome to Linux", " The GNU-Linux Connection", " The History of GNU-Linux", " The Code Is Free", " Have Fun!", " The Heritage of Linux: UNIX", " What Is So Good About Linux?", " Why Linux Is Popular with Hardware Companies and Developers", " Linux Is Portable", " Standards", " The C Programming Language", " Overview of Linux", " Linux Has a Kernel Programming Interface", " Linux Can Support Many Users", " Linux Can Run Many Tasks", " Linux Provides a Secure Hierarchical Filesystem", " The Shell: Command Interpreter and Programming Language", " A Large Collection of Useful Utilities", " Interprocess Communication", " System Administration", " Additional Features of Linux", " GUIs: Graphical User Interfaces", " (Inter)networking Utilities", " Software Development", " Chapter Summary", " Exercises", "PART I. The Linux Operating System", "2. Getting Started", " Conventions Used in This Book", " Logging In", " Logging In from a Terminal", " Logging In Remotely: Terminal Emulation, ssh, and telnet", " Working with the Shell", " Which Shell Are You Running?", " Correcting Mistakes", " Curbing Your Power: Superuser Access", " Getting the Facts: Where to Find Documentation", " The ––help Option", " man: Displays the System Manual", " info: Displays Information About Utilities", " HOWTOs: Finding Out How Things Work", " Using the Internet to Get Help", " More About Logging In", " What to Do If You Cannot Log In", " Logging Out", " Using Virtual Consoles", " Changing Your Password", " Chapter Summary", " Exercises", " Advanced Exercises", "Chapter 3: Command Line Utilities", " Special Characters", " Basic Utilities", " ls: Lists the Names of Files", " cat: Displays a Text File", " rm: Deletes a File", " less Is more: Displaying a Text File One Screen at a Time", " hostname: Displays the System Name", " Working with Files", " cp: Copies a File", " mv: Changes the Name of a File", " lpr: Prints a File", " grep: Finds a String", " head: Displays the Beginning of a File", " tail: Displays the End of a File", " sort: Displays a File in Order", " uniq: Removes Duplicate Lines from a File", " diff: Compares Two Files", " file: Tests the Contents of a File", " | (Pipe): Communicates Between Processes", " Four More Utilities", " echo: Displays Text", " date: Displays the Time and Date", " script: Records a Linux Session", " unix2dos: Converts Linux Files to Windows Format", " Compressing and Archiving Files", " bzip2: Compresses a File", " bunzip2 and bzcat: Decompress a File", " gzip: Compresses a File", " tar: Packs and Unpacks Files", " Locating Commands", " which and whereis: Locate a Utility", " apropos: Searches for a Keyword", " slocate: Searches for a File", " Obtaining User and System Information", " who: Lists Users on the System", " finger: Lists Users on the System", " w: Lists Users on the System", " Communicating with Other Users", " write: Sends a Message", " mesg: Denies or Accepts Messages", " Email", " Chapter Summary", " Exercises", " Advanced Exercises", "Chapter 4: The Linux Filesystem", " The Hierarchical Filesystem", " Directory and Ordinary Files", " Filenames", " mkdir: Creates a Directory", " The Working Directory", " Home Directory", " Absolute Pathnames", " Relative Pathnames", " Important Standard Directories and Files", " Working with Directories", " rmdir: Deletes a Directory", " Pathnames", " mv, cp: Moves or Copies a File", " mv: Moves a Directory", " Access Permissions", " ls –l: Displays Permissions", " chmod: Changes Access Permissions", " Setuid and Setgid Permissions", " Directory Access Permissions", " Links", " Hard Links", " Symbolic Links", " rm: Removes a Link", " Chapter Summary", " Exercises", " Advanced Exercises", "Chapter 5: The Shell", " The Command Line", " Syntax", " Processing the Command Line", " Executing the Command Line", " Standard Input and Standard Output", " The Screen as a File", " The Keyboard and Screen as Standard Input and Standard Output", " Redirection", " Pipes", " Running a Program in the Background", " Filename Generation/Pathname Expansion", " The ? Special Character", " The * Special Character", " The [ ] Special Characters", " Builtins", " Chapter Summary", " Utilities and Builtins Introduced in This Chapter", " Exercises", " Advanced Exercises", "PART II. The Editors", "Chapter 6: The vim Editor", " History", " Tutorial: Creating and Editing a File with vim", " Starting vim", " Command and Input Modes", " Entering Text", " Getting Help", " Ending the Editing Session", " The compatible Parameter", " Introduction to vim Features", " Online Help", " Modes of Operation", " The Display", " Correcting Text as You Insert It", " Work Buffer", " Line Length and File Size", " Windows", " File Locks", " Abnormal Termination of an Editing Session", " Recovering Text After a Crash", " Command Mode: Moving the Cursor", " Moving the Cursor by Characters", " Moving the Cursor to a Specific Character", " Moving the Cursor by Words", " Moving the Cursor by Lines", " Moving the Cursor by Sentences and Paragraphs", " Moving the Cursor Within the Screen", " Viewing Different Parts of the Work Buffer", " Input Mode", " Inserting Text", " Appending Text", " Opening a Line for Text", " Replacing Text", " Quoting Special Characters in Input Mode", " Command Mode: Deleting and Changing Text", " Undoing Changes", " Deleting Characters", " Deleting Text", " Changing Text", " Replacing Text", " Changing Case", " Searching and Substituting", " Searching for a Character", " Searching for a String", " Substituting One String for Another", " Miscellaneous Commands", " Join", " Status", " . (Period)", " Yank, Put, and Delete Commands", " The General-Purpose Buffer", " Named Buffers", " Numbered Buffers", " Reading and Writing Files", " Reading Files", " Writing Files", " Identifying the Current File", " Setting Parameters", " Setting Parameters from Within vim", " Setting Parameters in a Startup File", " The .vimrc Startup File", " Parameters", " Advanced Editing Techniques", " Using Markers", " Editing Other Files", " Macros and Shortcuts", " Executing Shell Commands from Within vim", " Units of Measure", " Character", " Word", " Blank-Delimited Word", " Line", " Sentence", " Paragraph", " Window", " Repeat Factor", " Chapter Summary", " Exercises", " Advanced Exercises", "Chapter 7: The emacs Editor", " History", " Evolution", " emacs Versus vim", " Tutorial: Getting Started with emacs", " Starting emacs", " Stopping emacs", " Inserting Text", " Deleting Characters", " Moving the Cursor", " Editing at the Cursor Position", " Saving and Retrieving the Buffer", " Basic Editing Commands", " Keys: Notation and Use", " Key Sequences and Commands", " META-x: Running a Command Without a Key Binding", " Numeric Arguments", " Point and the Cursor", " Scrolling Through a Buffer", " Erasing Text", " Searching", " Online Help", " Advanced Editing", " Undoing Changes", " Mark and Region", " Cut and Paste: Yanking Killed Text", " Inserting Special Characters", " Global Buffer Commands", " Files", " Buffers", " Windows", " Foreground Shell Commands", " Background Shell Commands", " Language-Sensitive Editing", " Selecting a Major Mode", " Human-Language Modes", " C Mode", " Customizing Indention", " Comments", " Special-Purpose Modes", " Customizing emacs", " The .emacs Startup File", " Remapping Keys", " A Sample .emacs File", " More Information", " Access to emacs", " Chapter Summary", " Exercises", " Advanced Exercises", "PART III. The Shells", "Chapter 8: The Bourne Again Shell", " Background", " Shell Basics", " Startup Files", " Commands That Are Symbols", " Redirecting Standard Error", " Writing a Simple Shell Script", " Separating and Grouping Commands", " Job Control", " Manipulating the Directory Stack", " Parameters and Variables", " User-Created Variables", " Variable Attributes", " Keyword Variables", " Special Characters", " Processes", " Process Structure", " Process Identification", " Executing a Command", " History", " Variables That Control History", " Reexecuting and Editing Commands", " The Readline Library", " Aliases", " Single Versus Double Quotation Marks in Aliases", " Examples of Aliases", " Functions", " Controlling bash Features and Options", " Command Line Options", " Shell Features", " Processing the Command Line", " History Expansion", " Alias Substitution", " Parsing and Scanning the Command Line", " Command Line Expansion", " Chapter Summary", " Exercises", " Advanced Exercises", "Chapter 9: The TC Shell", " Shell Scripts", " Entering and Leaving the TC Shell", " Startup Files", " Features Common to the Bourne Again and TC Shells", " Command Line Expansion (Substitution)", " Job Control", " Filename Substitution", " Manipulating the Directory Stack", " Command Substitution", " Redirecting Standard Error", " Working with the Command Line", " Word Completion", " Editing the Command Line", " Correcting Spelling", " Variables", " Variable Substitution", " String Variables", " Arrays of String Variables", " Numeric Variables", " Braces", " Special Variable Forms", " Shell Variables", " Control Structures", " if", " goto", " Interrupt Handling", " if...then...else", " foreach", " while", " break and continue", " switch", " Builtins", " Chapter Summary", " Exercises", " Advanced Exercises", "PART IV. Programming Tools", "Chapter 10: Programming Tools", " Programming in C", " Checking Your Compiler", " A C Programming Example", " Compiling and Linking a C Program", " Using Shared Libraries", " Fixing Broken Binaries", " Creating Shared Libraries", " make: Keeps a Set of Programs Current", " Implied Dependencies", " Macros", " Debugging C Programs", " gcc: Compiler Warning Options", " Symbolic Debugger", " Threads", " System Calls", " strace: Traces System Calls", " Controlling Processes", " Accessing the Filesystem", " Source Code Management", " CVS: Concurrent Versions System", " Chapter Summary", " Exercises", " Advanced Exercises", "Chapter 11: Programming the Bourne Again Shell", " Control Structures", " if...then", " if...then...else", " if...then...elif", "", " for", " while", " until", " break and continue", " case", " select", " Here Document", " File Descriptors", " Parameters and Variables", " Array Variables", " Locality of Variables", " Special Parameters", " Positional Parameters", " Expanding Null and Unset Variables", " Builtin Commands", " type: Displays Information About a Command", " read: Accepts User Input", " exec: Executes a Command", " trap: Catches a Signal", " kill: Aborts a Process", " getopts: Parses Options", " A Partial List of Builtins", " Expressions", " Arithmetic Evaluation", " Logical Evaluation (Conditional Expressions)", " String Pattern Matching", " Operators", " Shell Programs", " A Recursive Shell Script", " The quiz Shell Script", " Chapter Summary", " Exercises", " Advanced Exercises", "Chapter 12: The gawk Pattern Processing Language", " Syntax", " Arguments", " Options", " Notes", " Language Basics", " Patterns", " Actions", " Comments", " Variables", " Functions", " Arithmetic Operators", " Associative Arrays", " printf", " Control Structures", " Examples", " Advanced gawk Programming", " getline: Controlling Input", " Coprocess: Two-Way I/O", " Getting Input from a Network", " Error Messages", " Chapter Summary", " Exercises", " Advanced Exercises", "Chapter 13: The sed Editor", " Syntax", " Arguments", " Options", " Editor Basics", " Addresses", " Instructions", " Control Structures", " The Pattern Space and the Hold Space", " Examples", " Chapter Summary", " Exercises", "PART V. Command Reference", " Standard Multiplicative Suffixes", " Common Options", " The sample Utility", " sample Very brief description of what the utility does", " aspell Checks a file for spelling errors", " at Executes commands at a specified time", " bzip2 Compresses or decompresses files", " cal Displays a calendar", " cat Joins and displays files", " cd Changes to another working directory", " chgrp Changes the group associated with a file", " chmod Changes the access mode (permissions) of a file", " chown Changes the owner of a file and/or the group the file is associated with", " cmp Compares two files", " comm Compares sorted files", " configure Configures source code automatically", " cp Copies files", " cpio Creates an archive or restores files from an archive", " crontab Maintains crontab files", " cut Selects characters or fields from input lines", " date Displays or sets the system time and date", " dd Converts and copies a file", " df Displays disk space usage", " diff Displays the differences between two files", " du Displays information on disk usage by file", " echo Displays a message", " expr Evaluates an expression", " file Displays the classification of a file", " find Finds files based on criteria", " finger Displays information about users", " fmt Formats text very simply", " fsck Checks and repairs a filesystem", " ftp Transfers files over a network", " gcc Compiles C and C++ programs", " grep Searches for a pattern in files", " gzip Compresses or decompresses files", " head Displays the beginning of a file", " kill Terminates a process by PID", " killall Terminates a process by name", " less Displays text files, one screen at a time", " ln Makes a link to a file", " lpr Sends files to printers", " ls Displays information about one or more files", " make Keeps a set of programs current", " man Displays documentation for commands", " mkdir Creates a directory", " mkfs Creates a filesystem on a device", " Mtools Uses DOS-style commands on files and directories", " mv Renames or moves a file", " nice Changes the priority of a command", " nohup Runs a command that keeps running after you log out", " od Dumps the contents of a file", " paste Joins corresponding lines from files", " pr Paginates files for printing", " ps Displays process status", " rcp Copies one or more files to or from a remote system", " rlogin Logs in on a remote system", " rm Removes a file (deletes a link)", " rmdir Removes a directory", " rsh Executes commands on a remote system", " scp Securely copies one or more files to or from a remote system", " sleep Creates a process that sleeps for a specified interval", " sort Sorts and/or merges files", " split Divides a file in into sections", " ssh Securely executes commands on a remote system", " strings Displays strings of printable characters", " stty Displays or sets terminal parameters", " tail Displays the last part (tail) of a file", " tar Stores or retrieves files to/from an archive file", " tee Copies standard input to standard output and one or more files", " telnet Connects to a remote system over a network", " test Evaluates an expression", " top Dynamically displays process status", " touch Changes a file's access and/or modification time", " tr Replaces specified characters", " tty Displays the terminal pathname", " tune2fs Changes parameters on an ext2 or ext3 filesystem", " umask Establishes the file-creation permissions mask", " uniq Displays unique lines", " w Displays information about system users", " wc Displays the number of lines, words, and bytes", " which Shows where in PATH a command is located", " who Displays information about logged-in users", " xargs Converts standard input into command lines", "PART VI. Appendixes", "Appendix A: Regular Expressions", " Characters", " Delimiters", " Simple Strings", " Special Characters", " Periods", " Brackets", " Asterisks", " Carets and Dollar Signs", " Quoting Special Characters", " Rules", " Longest Match Possible", " Empty Regular Expressions", " Bracketing Expressions", " The Replacement String", " Ampersand", " Quoted Digit", " Extended Regular Expressions", " Appendix Summary", "Appendix B: Help", " Solving a Problem", " Finding Linux-Related Information", " Documentation", " Useful Linux Sites", " Linux Newsgroups", " Mailing Lists", " Words", " Software", " Office Suites and Word Processors", " Specifying a Terminal", "Appendix C: Keeping the System Up-to-Date", " yum: Updates and Installs Packages", " Configuring yum", " Using yum", " Apt: An Alternative to yum", " Using Apt", " BitTorrent", " Prerequisites", " How BitTorrent Works", " Using BitTorrent", "Glossary", "Index".

Relativt grundig gennemgang af Linux og nogle af programmerne. Bogen er fra 2005 og dette er sjette optryk fra 2007, så man skal tage det mere som et overblik end som referenceværk. Jeg skriver dette i 2022, dvs der er 15 år mellem bogen og denne anmeldelse. Det ser ud til at forfatter eller forlag selv har sørget for at indholdsfortegnelsen for alle udgaverne af bogen er tilgængelige. Det er et smukt træk.
… (más)
bnielsen | 2 reseñas más. | Apr 25, 2022 |
BooksForDinner | 2 reseñas más. | Dec 19, 2013 |
wie heeft het boek 'A Practical Guide to UNIX(R) for Mac OS(R) X Users' beschikbaar?
No need anymore for a printed copy of this book, because I've got the e-book version.
G0erwt | Jul 19, 2010 |
A classic ready-reference that's essential to a SysAdm's desk. Critics might say it's dated but almost all topics are fundamentally valid for Unices. The book's strength is explaining how to use utilities on a daily basis -- utilities that are usually at war with other author's biases. Examples: both vi and emacs are explained; sh, ksh, and csh are all here as well. The next step would be a book dedicated to your bias, like OReilly's Sed & Awk; but there's a lot of broad yet detailed information just in this book. OReilly fans will like it's style.… (más)
vap0rtranz | Jul 10, 2008 |

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