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Engagingly told stories from a former park ranger’s life.

Tales From a Rogue Ranger is the latest collection of memories from the career of former national and state park ranger Rosanne S. McHenry, author of Trip Tales: From Family Camping to Life as a Ranger. McHenry writes so engagingly that I was drawn into her world and past, and I thoroughly enjoyed the visit.

With many years of experience in the state and national park services, Rosanne McHenry knows what she’s talking about and has a wealth of tales to draw upon; she probably had a heck of time limiting which ones to include. The stories feature wildlife encounters and those with the even wilder two-legged variety. Dealing with the public can be the source of nightmares. Funny stories shine, emergencies are tense, and others remind us that the job is not for the weak of heart or spirit; it’s not just giving nature talks or guiding nature walks. The park ranger job is a serious, critical profession that the author and her coworkers did exceptionally well.

I recommend TALES FROM A ROGUE RANGER to non-fiction readers, especially those who enjoy memoirs and time in nature.

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy through WOW! Women On Writing Book Tours.
KarenSiddall | May 11, 2024 |