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Return to Hummingbird Way is a small town romance that will capture your heart! It is the second book of a series and a great follow-up! The main characters have a past and now have to journey though a current events together. The character development is good and the storyline is well-written. Easy to read and enjoyable! Highly recommend!
BridgetteS | 2 reseñas más. | May 6, 2023 |
Return to Hummingbird Way by Reece Ryan
Holly Grove Island #2. Contemporary diverse/own voice romance. Small town, Second chance troupes.
Garrett Davenport returns home for a family event. Sinclair Buchanan has organized the event and seeing Garrett there gets her heart racing. He reciprocates but both have busy lives and aren’t sure anything more is possible, much less advisable. Enter granny, Mama Mae with a rehab decorating project she wants Sin to manage, has Sin and Rett working together on the project. Can their geographic differences be overcome so they can peruse a more permanent relationship?

Sin and Rett clearly have chemistry (steammmy!) but competing careers and where they peruse those careers is a big factor. One or both will have to make changes and compromises. Both seem happy and successful where they are so that typically means something changes over the course of the story. I was thinking that I dislike this conflict, but I guess it’s real life. Your new job / opportunity / love may require some changes.
Sin and Rett work well together on the rehab and in their relationship. Mama Mae adds some wonderful life commentary, and yes, change happens to get our HEA.
Steamy, and charming.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley.
Madison_Fairbanks | 2 reseñas más. | Apr 26, 2023 |
The hero and the heroine are best friends to a couple who is about to marry in this book. They have mutual hate crushes on each other since they were teenagers and as adults, their relationship changed a bit when they became adults. Their close contact with each other brings the mutual attraction that had simmered ever since they succumbed to a night of pleasure five years ago to burst forth and they enter a relationship that could end due to other factors.

This is the second book in the HOLLY GROVE ISLAND series by Reese Ryan. It has a couple who were definitely made for each other. I enjoyed the exchanges that occurred between the hero and the couple as their relationship changed and they learned more about each other. I liked how the couple were with their families and their friends, with all the ups and downs that they experienced with their loved ones. I also appreciated a decision that the couple made about their future. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this Reese Ryan book and look forward to reading more HOLLY GROVE ISLAND books in the future.

** Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy. All opinions and thoughts in the review are my own. **
DilowRosas | 2 reseñas más. | Apr 26, 2023 |
Good story about love and family. Chandra is the oldest of the six Valentine siblings, intently focused on her career in San Diego. When her father calls a family meeting in the small town of Magnolia Lake, Tennessee, the request is odd enough that she drops everything to go. Chandra is a nervous flyer in small planes, and the last leg of the trip is on a very small plane. A fellow passenger, "JB," provides the distraction she needs to make it through the flight.

JB, Julian Brandon, is headed home to Magnolia Lake to keep a promise. Years earlier, local billionaire, Joe Abbott promised to pay for Julian's schooling if he committed to spending four years as the town's doctor when he finished. Julian dreads his return thanks to unhappy memories attached to his hometown.

I enjoyed watching the relationship develop between Chandra and Julian. They connected quickly on the flight to Magnolia Lake. Julian's calm demeanor and easy conversation soothed her fears. The sparks of attraction were there, but neither expected to see the other again. Fate intervened when Julian came to her rescue after she drove off the road. Their third encounter was an eye-opener for Chandra when she discovered that her sexy rescuer was none other than the town's young new doctor. I had to laugh at this meeting. Chandra is aghast that she's attracted to a man years younger than she is, while Julian is thrilled to have the opportunity to see her again. Very conscious of the age difference, Chandra shoots down his invitation for a date.

However, that isn't the end. Chandra soon has the chance to repay Julian's kindness by helping him. Poor Julian has become the quarry of nearly every single woman in town. During a party given by the Abbots, and at the instigation of her sister Naya, Chandra rescues Julian from his pursuers by implying they are a couple. Julian jumps on the idea as a way to spend more time with Chandra and show him as more settled to the people in town. As Julian finds every opportunity possible to be with Chandra, the sparks between them continue to grow. She is willing to enjoy the attraction but, with her looming return to California, has no interest in a relationship. Julian hopes to change her mind.

A change in circumstances at her job in California motivates Chandra to take a hard look at her plans for the future. I loved how Chandra stood up for herself and didn't allow them to take advantage of her. Her return to Magnolia Lake allowed her to explore the feelings she was just beginning to admit. An unexpected complication pushes them closer together, while Chandra's fears have her resisting the truth. Meanwhile, Julian must face his past before he can move forward into the future he wants with Chandra. The scene at the poker game was a hoot, and I loved Julian's big moment. The epilogue was terrific, and I can't wait to read the rest of the books in the series.

The overarching theme of the series is the establishment of the Valentine Vineyards. Stunning family revelations redirect patriarch Abbott Valentine's interests and passions in a new direction. His actions shock his children even as he indicates his desire for their involvement in the new enterprise. It was interesting to see their reactions, good and bad, and how they handled the news. I can't wait to follow the progress.

scoutmomskf | Nov 28, 2022 |
This was kind of a weird situation and I think forgiveness came far too easily
NickyM96 | 2 reseñas más. | Nov 21, 2022 |
A solid story with minimal angst. The heroine was a bit ... I had minimal sympathy at some point so was less able to connect.
LadyTi | Nov 7, 2022 |
Terrific second chance romance and conclusion to the series. The book works fine as a standalone, but you get the full effect if you read the other two first. Travis is the last of the three adopted brothers to return home to Moonlight Ridge to help care for their father after a health crisis and return the family resort to its former grandeur.

Travis and his brothers Mack and Grey were best friends while growing up. That ended fifteen years earlier after a car crash that changed their lives. Each brother blamed himself, but Travis was so severely injured that he lost his football scholarship and dreams of an NFL career. It took him two years to learn to walk again. All three left North Carolina to branch out on their own, and as the years passed grew further apart. We get Mack and Grey's versions of the accident in the previous books, see them come to terms with it and find love.

Travis is happy for his brothers, but he doesn't believe in love and happily-ever-after. After being abandoned by his mother, and the devastating break-up with his high school girlfriend, he doesn't trust women. He's quite happy with his bachelor lifestyle. He'll help with his dad, revamp the resort's kitchen and menu, and then return to his celebrity cooking show, restaurants, and cookbooks. He doesn't expect to see Riley again, much less get roped into working with her.

I loved seeing Travis's former mentor and resort chef strongarm Travis and Riley into working together. Henri was supposed to cater Riley's upcoming charity fundraiser but has to pull out. He insists that Travis take his place, claiming (accurately) that Travis's name will bring in more donors. Travis counters by insisting the gala be held at Moonlight Ridge, and he and Riley come to a working agreement. Neither one expected the feelings that being around each other stirred up.

Riley has another problem she needs Travis's help with. Two of the charities she works with have lost funding. To access her trust fund from her grandfather to help them, his stipulations require that she be married to a man "of independent means." Travis is shocked when Riley offers to invest in the resort if he marries her for a year. Though he laughs himself silly and then refuses, Riley doesn't give up. I loved watching her use every means possible to get him to agree.

I liked watching the relationship between Travis and Riley develop. They had known each other first as children when her parents came to the resort on vacation. As they grew older, their friendship deepened into more. But Riley's parents, especially her father, were snobs and didn't approve, and their interference drove the two apart. Neither of them has forgotten those feelings, but they don't want to risk their hearts again. However, it is impossible to spend time together and not remember the good times, so they grow close again. There are some sweet scenes between them, such as skipping stones and cooking together.

I loved seeing the depth of caring that developed, though neither one was willing to admit it. The scene where they had dinner with Riley's parents was great. I loved seeing Riley stand up to them, and the conversation between Travis and Mr. George was excellent. Though Travis is still fighting his feelings, the proposal scene at the gala was incredible and very romantic. I enjoyed seeing Mack and Grey try to get through to Travis since his feelings for Riley were obvious, but he remained obstinate. His feelings came through clearly with the surprise he had for her on their wedding day.

But an uninvited guest at the wedding threw Travis's emotions into turmoil. I ached for him and the memories it stirred up, and I liked how Riley tried to help. I hurt for her when she got caught in the middle of a stunning revelation and how Travis turned on her. I loved how Jameson straightened him out and the subsequent advice he received. The big moment at the end was great, and the epilogue was a terrific wrap-up.

Two storylines went across all three books. One was the developing relationship between Jameson and his nurse/former housekeeper. They were sweet together, and I enjoyed seeing Giada keep him in line. The other, more critical issue was the embezzlement that Mack discovered in the first book and Grey investigated in the second one. I had my suspicions right from the start and was happy to be proved right.
scoutmomskf | 2 reseñas más. | Apr 11, 2022 |
I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Third and the final book in the Moonlight Ridge series about three adopted brothers, Just a Little Married, brings back together Travis Holloway and Riley George. Riley was the rich girl who cruelly broke things off with Travis when they were teenagers, this lead to fights and heated tempers and the car accident all three brothers were in. The car accident and how the three brothers drifted apart because of it and are now forced to come together because of their adopted father's health issues, is threaded through all three books and I would suggest reading the first two in the series first so that you have an understanding of the family dynamics. Travis was the most injured from the accident, damaging his leg enough that he lost his college football scholarship and dreams of the NFL. Even though he is now a famous chef, he still carries some anger from that night and why when he first sees Riley again, he wants to keep his heart closed to her.

“What do you want, Riley?”
She lifted her chin and met his gaze. “A husband.”

Readers have heard about Riley but this is the first time we meet her. We learn that she can't get her inheritance from her grandfather unless she is married and to a man of his own independent means. She wants the money to help out with two of her foundations and when she sees Travis in town and learns about his family's resort needing some help, goes to him with the plan of a fake marriage for one year. It's a second chance romance with marriage of convenience trope that brings some heat.

Riley sighed, her heart still racing from the kiss that had set her entire body on fire and left her wanting much more from the man she'd asked to be her fake husband.

While this was mainly set at the Moonlight Ridge, it felt the least connected to the series. The two other brothers and their wives pop in and out, along with their father Jameson who adopted all three of the boys when they were younger but for the vast majority of the time, the focus is on Riley and Travis. The first half had Travis pretty much not giving any leeway to Riley as he is still angry and hurt over how she told him he wasn't good enough for her when they were teenagers. It had a frosty feel with dormant volcano brewing underneath and at around the halfway point, Travis learns something about the night Riley broke-up with him and he starts to melt towards her. From the start Riley still has feelings for Travis but tries to hide them because of the hurt she knows she caused him.

He cupped her cheek and offered a pained smile. “I'm sorry I believed the worst of you.”

There was a little too much going on here for me, Travis' restaurant business, his documentary show, trying to save Moonlight Ridge and find the embezzler (continuing storyline from previous books), the fake marriage, Riley's fundraiser gala, and all the family dynamic issues. I wanted some it to be cut in favor of just having Riley and Travis together and working out their issues. There were too many time jumps, we don't get much of the Great Gatsby Gala (the cover picture is of the night) and we don't get to “see” any scenes from their honeymoon. At around the 75% mark, Travis' mother comes into the picture and a big bomb is dropped, way too late in the story for the resolution to not feel rushed.

I enjoyed Riley and Travis' characters separately and together, the scene where Travis tells Riley's father to essentially f-off was a particular favorite and Riley putting herself out there for Travis had me cheering her on. There was a little too much going and weeks passed by/not shown when I simply wanted to see Riley and Travis together. The ending had a somewhat rushed and cobbled feel to it with bringing together the embezzlement story thread (book 2 made the villain obvious thankfully because there was pretty much no explanation of motivations here) and the fallout of the Travis mother bomb drop. However, I did enjoy seeing the last Holloway brother get his happily ever after and the steam between Riley and Travis.
WhiskeyintheJar | 2 reseñas más. | Feb 21, 2022 |
Allow a day for this STEAMY adult second-chance romantic comedy set in summer in Magnolia Lake, Tennessee where 34-year-old Renee Lockwood and her 4-year-old autistic son Mercer have come to start a new life a year after her divorce from Dennis Chandler.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Quakerwidow | otra reseña | Jan 14, 2022 |
Terrific conclusion to the Bourbon Brothers series. Cole is the youngest of the family and the last man standing as far as relationships go. He is as anti-commitment as they come, preferring no-strings hookups to anything that smacks of permanence. He is also the only siblings not involved in the family distillery. Years earlier, he made it known that he had no interest in being part of it by refusing to go to college and apprenticing with a local builder instead. While this created great tension among the family, Cole became very successful in real estate development and construction. I ached a bit for Cole as I learned more about his background. Learning difficulties left him with some insecurities that persisted into his adulthood.

After divorcing her husband, Renee returned home, bringing her four-year-old autistic son Mercer. After dealing with the entitled, rich-boy mentality, the last thing she is interested in is a relationship with anyone. She plans to purchase the family's farm property from her grandfather and create an organic vegetable and flower farm staffed by workers with challenges such as those her son faces.

I loved the first meeting between Renee and Cole. He didn't know she was back in town and the sight of her left him gobsmacked. They became friends (with mutual crushes) in high school when Renee tutored him in math and science, and to say the geeky girl had changed would be an understatement. But Cole still feels guilty because their friendship ended badly. If things were awkward between them now, they were about to get more so. When Renee approaches her grandfather about purchasing the property, she learns that Cole also wants the same land. He plans to build high-end homes there. Her clever, perhaps devious, grandfather tells both that he will give them six months to prove which one will make the best use of the property. Though not happy, neither backs down from the challenge.

I loved watching the relationship develop between Cole and Renee. Though both claim to be anti-relationship, there is no doubt about their attraction. Both are determined to resist it and instead rekindle their friendship. Though Cole has the whole bad-boy reputation, he has a surprisingly soft and honorable heart. I loved watching him find ways to help Renee, both with fixing up her house and setting up her farm. He also connects quickly with her son, Mercer, with whom he feels a slight kinship over similar challenges. There are sweet scenes with Cole and Mercer, who calls Cole "Vroom!" because of his truck.

I loved seeing Cole and Renee spend time together. Though she's a bit hesitant, Cole finds ways to involve her in his family's life. It was fun to see how they could all see what was happening between Cole and Renee. As the flames of attraction grew stronger, a chance discovery of her great-aunt's diary led Renee to propose a "bad-boy experiment." They give in to the attraction, indulging in a no-strings affair while maintaining their friendship, with no expectation of more. Of course, both go into it firmly convinced they can keep their feelings out of it. It was fun to see their families, who clearly see what is happening, try to point out the obvious while neither one is willing to listen. After panicking when they realize the truth, it takes a little time apart to realize the truth of what they want. I loved Cole's big moment at the end - trellis + balcony =

I loved the epilogue. It was great to see the whole family together at the grand opening of their mother's restaurant. I loved Iris's excitement at the new challenge and her homage to the importance of her family. The epilogue ended with an unexpected twist that left me anxiously awaiting the next book.

scoutmomskf | otra reseña | Jan 6, 2022 |
Second Chance is a romance novel base around a couple who are dealing with their feelings from when they were together in high school and the breakup that ended their relationship. This is not a speed read of mind candy with no substance. While it is a romance, it has the meat of a great fiction novel. Reese Ryan captures the complicated messiness of real life in her prose. Her descriptive language is so vivid the scenes seem to be playing out in front of you. She carefully builds her characters until you feel like you know them as well as your good friends. The only thing I did not like is that the last chapter wraps everything up in a neat verbal bow and solves all the problems in one swing, at least it didn't end with either a wedding or baby, or both.
jenniebooknerd | 4 reseñas más. | Dec 31, 2021 |
Allow most of a day for this adult contemporary urban romance set in Asheville, North Carolina where 32-year-old Riley Anne George must marry "a man of independent means" in order to claim her inheritance.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Quakerwidow | 2 reseñas más. | Nov 20, 2021 |
A pleasant beach read with a fun and feisty heroine. Takes place in the Coastal South, which is described just lovely/lovingly.
Desiree_Reads | 4 reseñas más. | Aug 31, 2021 |
Fantastic friends-to-lovers story. Zora is the youngest and only girl in the family and had to fight to earn her place in the family's bourbon business. She is intelligent, fierce, and doesn't put up with anyone's BS. Zora also envies those family members who found their true loves and started families. Each new addition brings home how much she wants that for herself. Tired of waiting for Mr. Right, she decides to go ahead and become a single mother. Before facing her family with her decision, Zora wants her best friend's opinion and support.

Dallas is a talented furniture maker and designer. He and Zora became best friends in kindergarten when she confronted the bullies tormenting the new kid (loved that story and the way Dallas told it!). For years, he and Zora were each other's "plus ones" at various events when they weren't involved with other people. That was often the case with Dallas, whose relationships tended to be short-lived. That's okay with him because he doesn't see himself as a husband and father, thanks to the poor example of his own father.

As the book opens, Zora joins Dallas in Las Vegas to support him as he receives a prestigious award for his furniture designs. They then plan to celebrate Zora's upcoming birthday. From the moment of Zora's arrival, there is a feeling that something is changing. Both Zora and Dallas determinedly work to preserve their friendship, ruthlessly suppressing any hint of attraction. A spontaneous kiss under the mistletoe a few years earlier started a slow burn that was about to burst into flame. Their post-ceremony celebration included some potent cocktails and some enhanced brownies, leading to waking up the next morning in bed together and wearing wedding rings. Unable to pretend it didn't happen, thanks to a viral video of the wedding, Dallas and Zora agree to stay married for at least a year.

I loved seeing the progress of Dallas and Zora's relationship from friends to lovers. Though Zora freaks out at the marriage, Dallas finds that he doesn't mind at all. In fact, he wants to make it real. I loved watching him negotiate the "terms" of their bargain to his best advantage, including offering to make her baby dream come true. From the beginning, Dallas does everything he can to show Zora how right they are together. I loved the little things he did, from making sure she got the waffles he promised her (fantastic scene!) to having her back when dealing with her family.

Zora's fear of losing their friendship causes her to fight her growing feelings for Dallas. Though she freely admits they love each other, she's not so convinced about the "in love" part. She doesn't want to deprive either of them of that lightning bolt "aha" moment when they meet the right person. She doesn't realize that she and Dallas have already passed that point, thanks to their well-developed friendship. She especially worries about Dallas sacrificing his happiness in his desire to make things perfect for her.

I ached for them both when he confesses his feelings, and she doesn't reciprocate, not because she doesn't care but because of what he gives up. I understood why she wanted to ensure his needs counted as much as hers. I ached for them both as she pushed him to accept the opportunity in Iceland. I loved seeing how their time apart helped Zora come to terms with her feelings for Dallas (with a bit of brotherly encouragement) and what she did about it. The twist at the end regarding the direction of the family company and Zora's part surprised me. The epilogue was sweet and perfectly showcased Dallas and Zora's relationship.
scoutmomskf | Jun 4, 2021 |
Second Chance on Cypress Lane by Ryan Reese is a 2020 Forever publication.

Wonderful, light-hearted romance!

Dakota Jones returns home to Holly Grove Island after her big dreams of becoming a news anchor comes to an abrupt halt. With her reputation in tatters, Dakota is reluctant to expound on the reasons behind her sudden return.

Despite that, Dakota is happy to spend some time with her father, and to touch base with her best friend again. On the other hand, she's absolutely dreading the inevitable run in with Dexter, the man who once broke her heart, the man she’s never really gotten over. When the two finally do meet again, it is as Dakota feared- she's just as attracted to Dexter now as she was all those years ago...

With Dakota back in town, Dexter hopes he can convince her to at least forgive him for the way he ended things between them. It would be even better if he could convince her that he still loves her. Unfortunately, Dakota has made it clear she’s not interested in anything beyond friendship and that her stay on Holly Grove Island is only temporary.

Can Dexter change her mind?

To my knowledge, I have not read anything by Reese Ryan before now. Reading the first book in her new series, feels like a great place to start.

The author did a good job of setting the scene, balancing the introduction of the characters with the romance, and created some great chemistry between Dexter and Dakota. I loved the tension between these two, and of course, most people know I’m a sucker for second chance romances. There is a little angst, with some surprising developments and revelations, but nothing too emotionally taxing, which was just happened to be what I was in the mood for.

Overall, this a is a wonderful, light and easy love story, and a solid start to a new series-perfect for the beach or poolside this summer!!
gpangel | 4 reseñas más. | May 19, 2021 |
This was a quick, fast paced light heart read. Dakota has just lost her dream job in NYC. She did not know the man she was seeing was married, and it was all over the tabloids. So she is now labeled as a home-wrecker and others are questioning how she could not have know he was married! She left the big city and has returned to her childhood home, and father with her tail between her legs, that is just until this all blows over.

Holly Grove Island doesn’t take long to get the rumor mill going, and soon everyone knows that Dakota is back, along with her ex high school sweet heart Dexter. The one she lost, the one who broke her heart and the one she hopes to avoid while she is here. But we all know that is not going to happen. It seems that everyone is trying to get them two back together, is for old times sake?

Knowing she needs to help her father with expenses, she takes a position to be the new PR person for the local resort that is opening, but this is just temporary. She will be going back to NYC. Her first day in the office, and she finds out that her boss just got a new boss appointed and it is none other than Dexter. Now she not only has to report to Nick, but Dexter. How will this work? Why does it seem fate has something else in mind?

Can the two work together as professionals to get the resort up and running, with all grumblings from the locals not happy this will create a tourist attraction, or will something else intervene to create an uncomfortable working environment? Will the past stay in the past, or can the truth of what really happened be revealed at least with no hurt feelings?

Thank you to Forever Publishing for the free book. I would be up to reading more in the Dexter/Dakota saga, as well as other characters in the town.
Chelz286 | 4 reseñas más. | Dec 19, 2020 |
3.5/5 stars!

This second-chance romance for high-school sweethearts Dakota Jones and Dexter Roberts begins when the heroine returns back to her hometown after a career-breaking relationship made her jobless and in need of respite from the bad gossip. The hero has a job at a local resort and wants a second chance with the heroine. It takes some communication, sexual chemistry, and their small-town community to make things right for them to move forward to a brighter future,

I enjoyed the author’s writing style and the romantic trope. I did want to shake and hug the couple for the reasons behind their first breakup. I also enjoyed the small-town vibe and some secondary characters that support the couple. Overall, it was an enjoyable read that I would recommend for anyone who loves small-town, second-chance romance.

**Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy.**½
DilowRosas | 4 reseñas más. | Oct 20, 2020 |
Good second chance romance. Max and Quinn had a secret relationship one summer before leaving for college. Quinn was eighteen, and Max was twenty. Quinn was heartbroken when Max suddenly broke off the relationship and disappeared from her life. They haven’t seen each other for thirteen years until Quinn walks into the boardroom at King’s Finest and upends his life.

Max and his sister worked for two years to convince their father and grandfather to take a chance on producing fruit brandies. Now that they have agreed, as Marketing VP, Max is ready for the next step. He is angry when told that the marketing project will be headed by someone else, and stunned when he finds out it is Quinn.

Quinn is determined to make this campaign a success for two reasons. First, the fruit for the brandy comes from her grandfather’s farm. The success of the venture will make or break his business. Second, Quinn needs this job to repair the professional reputation trashed by her vindictive ex-fiancé and his father (her former employer).

I enjoyed seeing the relationship develop between Quinn and Max. On the work side, Max had to get over his resentment at having Quinn put in charge. It took a little doing, but he did finally realize that it made sense to have someone who could devote the time to it. I had to laugh when he admitted that he couldn’t come up with any ideas that were better than hers. That helped them relax into a good working relationship. But under that working relationship simmered the renewal of their attraction.

I liked the fact that Max immediately tried to apologize for the way he broke off their prior relationship. He knew he was wrong when he did it, but the intensity of his feelings for Quinn scared him. Quinn doesn’t want to hear his apology. She wants to keep the past in the past and keep the present professional. Having been burned by her recent relationship, Quinn doubts the wisdom of getting involved with Max again, both for the risk to her heart and the risk to her career. In addition to working together, they are also thrown together during several social occasions. It doesn’t take long for Max to realize that he wants Quinn back in his life, but overcoming the obstacles won’t be easy. Quinn fights against her feelings and tries to convince herself that a secret fling is all she wants. I loved it when she got to the point where she trusted him enough to tell him about her ex. Max’s understanding and patience went a long way toward making Quinn believe in their feelings. I loved the ending scene with the family.

One of my favorite things about this series is the closeness of the Abbott family. Their love and respect for each other is evident but doesn’t preclude some familial difficulties. There is an ongoing storyline dealing with brother Parker’s belief that he should be the next CEO, rather than the oldest brother Blake. That comes to a head in this book. I thought the issue was handled realistically, and I’m looking forward to seeing how it plays out. I liked seeing more of the youngest and only girl, Zora. She is good at what she does but is also the one who tends to stick her nose in everybody’s business. I liked her interactions with Quinn and loved how she poked at Max. I found the youngest brother, Cole, very intriguing. He is the only one not involved in the family business, which has caused some stress. Things between him and Max are especially tense and become more so when Max discovers that Cole and Quinn have been good friends for years. Max’s jealousy was obvious, even when Cole tried to set him straight. I ached for Cole, who is hurt by the attitudes of Max and the rest of the family. I look forward to his book and seeing him come into his own - and lose his womanizer status!
scoutmomskf | Aug 3, 2020 |
"3 out of 5 stars, Savannah wants to give her family a better life but while trying to unearth secrets she might just fall in love with her own enemy ...

First off, I want to state that this novel I originally read and reviewed in 2018, but because of recent life events my original review for this novel has been lost (find out the whole story on my blog). However, because I had read this novel during a readathon rating for this novel and a video sharing my thoughts is still available .... plus, it helps that I still remember this novel even though I read it two years ago. Therefore, my following review is based off of my recorded thoughts and what I can recall. Sadly, this novel was not one of my favorite reads and it is all because of ..."

Read more of this review and a vlog here:
fromjesstoyou | 2 reseñas más. | May 26, 2020 |
Good book. Parker and Kayleigh were good friends as children until Parker did something stupid that destroyed their friendship. To complicate matters further, Kayleigh is convinced that Parker's father cheated her mother when he bought their family property. Now Parker has shown up at Kayleigh's store wanting to buy her property! Parker needs this sale to show his father that he is the best choice to be the next CEO of the family business, but how far is he willing to go?

Having met Parker in Savannah's Secrets, I wasn't sure I was going to believe he was redeemable as a hero. He is focused on the bottom line and his goals, and doesn't come across as caring much about people other than his family. He certainly doesn't have much in the way of people skills. Kayleigh is Savannah's best friend, which has made some gatherings a little awkward now that Savannah has married Parker's older brother. Kayleigh is creative and independent. She never forgot the hurt of Parker's sixth-grade betrayal, which doesn't make her any more willing to sell her property to him.

I enjoyed the development of their relationship. Kayleigh is ready to send Parker packing when she gets a call from her ex-boyfriend's sister. Suddenly Kayleigh needs a plus-one to a wedding, and who better than wealthy, gorgeous, Parker Abbott? She basically blackmails him into agreeing to pose as her fiancé in exchange for agreeing to sell her property to him. I loved this scene because it not only showed the issues between them; it also crackled with the sparks of attraction that were there too. I also enjoyed his family's reaction to the plan. Neither Kayleigh nor Parker was particularly happy when Savannah pointed out that their attitudes would not convince anyone that they were madly in love. Savannah was a genius in coming up with a plan for Parker and Kayleigh to get to know each other again, enabling them to carry off their masquerade. I was also sure that she clearly saw that they belonged together, and it was her way to get them to see it too.

I loved that first "tell each other what you see as their good qualities." That got them looking at each other in a positive light. Then the "ten dates in ten weeks" plan was to enable them to get to know each other and become comfortable with each other. It was fun to see each of those dates and the changes each one made in their relationship. With each one, the sparks of attraction burned hotter until they finally burst into flame. There were also some fun and sweet scenes between them, from the mountain biking trip to the dance lessons. At the same time, their friendship returned and grew into something more, though neither one would admit it. Just as Parker realizes the truth about his feelings, they arrive at the wedding, and he discovers that her ex wants a second chance. I ached for Parker as he makes a rather boneheaded move, believing that she still loves the other man. Meanwhile, Kayleigh is devastated by what she sees as another betrayal. A little communication would have gone a long way to preventing heartbreak for both of them.

I loved the ending as Parker went after what he really wanted, though it took a kick in the pants to get him moving. The only obstacle left to their happiness was her grudge against his father about the land purchase. I loved that Parker had learned his lesson about communication and honesty. I liked the conversation between Parker and his father, and his insistence that it was time to tell the truth. The revelation at the end was a surprise and went a long way toward changing my opinion of Parker's father as well as Kayleigh's. I can't wait to see what's next for the remaining Abbotts.
scoutmomskf | Feb 26, 2020 |
Their grandfather raised Savannah and her sister after their parents died in a tragic fire. Finances were tight and Savannah grew up listening to her grandfather talk about how his moonshine partner cheated him. Joe Abbott went on to found the wildly successful King's Finest Bourbon Distillery, while Martin McDowell was poor and bitter.

Savannah is determined to find the proof necessary for her grandfather to claim half the business. The perfect opportunity arises when she is hired as the new event planner for the distillery. All she needs to do is keep under the radar until she discovers the truth. Having grown up hearing about how terrible the Abbotts are, Savannah doesn't expect the intense attraction she feels for Blake Abbott.

Blake has buried himself in his work since the end of his last relationship. He doesn't typically interview new employees, but with key members of the family out of town, it fell to him to interview the possible new event planner. To say that he was stunned by her beauty would be putting it mildly. He had a hard time concentrating on the interview, but it wasn't difficult for him to realize that her qualifications were excellent. The only downside was the unwritten rule that Abbotts don't get involved with employees.

I enjoyed the development of the relationship between Blake and Savannah. Both feel the intense attraction, but both have good reasons to resist it. Blake because of the prohibition against dating employees, and Savannah because of her secret agenda. That resistance becomes more difficult by the day, as Savannah discovers that Blake is not the heartless scum her grandfather described. Instead, he is sweet, thoughtful, and easy to work with. Blake is more impressed with Savannah's abilities every day, as well as more attracted to her.

They did well with their resistance until a storm trapped them together for a weekend. The combination of the sparks between them and Blake's kindness during a rough part of the storm blew their resistance to pieces. The immediate connection that went deeper than just the physical attraction surprised them both, making each of them wary of getting too close. Over the next weeks, they spent as much time together as they could while at the same time trying to keep it to themselves.

I ached for Savannah, who knew she was falling for Blake and was eaten up by guilt over her deception. She has a harder and harder time seeing how the situation will end well. The more time he spends with her, the harder Blake falls for Savannah, but he also feels that there is something more going on. I kept waiting for it to blow up in Savannah's face, and sure enough, it did. I hurt for both Savannah and Blake when it happened. Blake's feelings of betrayal were heartbreaking. Savannah knew she had earned his anger, but she also felt that her reasons were justified. An unexpected complication arose when Savannah discovered she was pregnant, and Blake had some choice words and accusations when he found out.

It was hard to see how any of this was going to have a positive outcome. This is where the strength of family and love came into play. There were some interesting twists and revelations on both the Abbott and McDowell sides. I liked seeing the support that both Savannah and Blake received, which included some tough love from their family members. The ultimate resolution was realistic and satisfying, making it possible for Blake and Savannah to find their happy ending.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the series and seeing Blake's siblings find love, too. Parker looks like he will be an especially tough nut to crack.
scoutmomskf | 2 reseñas más. | Feb 9, 2020 |
3 Stars - I found this book an okay read. The writing was good. The plot was decent and the characters were sweet on each other from the start. Which I love. I didn't like how Merrie seemed to want to give her ex, Liam, the benefit of the doubt all the time (given how he's treated her in the past.) That knocked some character points off her, in my book.

Hunter was a good guy, too nice in some aspects, but this story is him going after what he wants. Which I liked. I found the book sorta stalled for me around 90%, then ,all of a sudden it was the end. It was an odd feeling, just all wrapped up quick. I would be interested in checking out some of her other stories as I enjoyed the chemistry between Hunter and Merrie.

If you like stories involving sibling’s exes.. this may be a story for you!

~Paragraphs and Petticoats ~
MyaB | Jan 8, 2019 |
written in first person present with several inconsistencies in the plot. The base story was good but I had a hard time concentrating on that with the writing and errors.
cranberrytarts | Sep 22, 2013 |
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