Fotografía de autor

Abby Rosser

Autor de Believe

4 Obras 21 Miembros 4 Reseñas

Obras de Abby Rosser

Believe (2018) 13 copias
Oh to Grace (2013) 6 copias, 4 reseñas
Happy Snow Day (2017) 1 copia
Hope (2019) 1 copia


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Experience the lives of a family in Morgan's Hat, Tennessee in the 20's and 30's. Their homespun beliefs and feelings give the readers a very enjoyable insight into those times and help us explore our own beliefs. The recollections of Frankie, looking back from her nursing home, add
an interesting perspective to the story. The title refers to the the elusive idea of grace that enriches all of our lives. This book delivers a rich family story that appeals to many diverse types of people. It can be enjoyed as a fun read or on a deeper level.
I received my copy free from
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jwood652 | 3 reseñas más. | Oct 21, 2015 |
Experience the lives of a family in Morgan's Hat, Tennessee in the 20's and 30's. Their homespun beliefs and feelings give the readers a very enjoyable insight into those times and help us explore our own beliefs. The recollections of Frankie, looking back from her nursing home, add
an interesting perspective to the story. The title refers to the the elusive idea of grace that enriches all of our lives. This book delivers a rich family story that appeals to many diverse types of people. It can be enjoyed as a fun read or on a deeper level.
I received my copy free from
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jwood652 | 3 reseñas más. | Oct 21, 2015 |
After a bit of a confusing start, I began to get accustomed to the author's style of telling the story. It was worth it, as I found it to be a rich and lovely tale of family and forgiveness. The story weaves together the lives of many people just as real life does. From Tennessee to Chicago and from the 1910's to the present, it covered events and places that crossed the path of one family. The story is told by the aged aunt of a current day relative, who relates her tale from the old age home where she is living out her days. Her perspective as a younger child in the family adds something special to the story.
Although the book hints at religion, it was not overpowering and the focus was much more on human kindness and forgiveness. It do not think it would be an issue for most readers. I really enjoyed reading this book and look for more from the author in the future. I am thankful to the publisher and NetGalley for the chance to read this title.
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c.archer | 3 reseñas más. | Dec 12, 2013 |
Set in the 1920’s in the small town of Morgan’s Hat, Tennessee and prohibition era Chicago this story is told by Frankie, an elderly woman in a nursing home. She is remembering the stories from her past when she lived at home with her parents and siblings. She tells stories of life, love, happiness and sadness; each story providing the reader with a glimpse of what life was like for a family of that pace and of that time.

The characters are all vividly portrayed and utterly believable. From the mother who struggles with her own heartache to provide a happy home for her children, to Anna, a young orphan forced into a life she does not want every one is brought to life by the skilful prose of this author.

Oh to Grace takes us through joy and tragedy, from heartache to humour and reveals the story of this one family.
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judylou | 3 reseñas más. | Oct 4, 2013 |

