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Svet sa zmenil v rozmedzí rokov 1914 až 1919. V priebehu piatich rokov vyvolala smrť jediného muža vo vzdialenom kúte Európy ohlasy, ktoré zmenili celý svet. Spôsoby boja sa zmenili. Prísun vyspelej a pokrokovej techniky, kolaps imperií, objavovanie nových národov, smrť miliónov ľudí. Mnohí, aj keď so zvláštnou dávkou optimizmu, nazvali hrôzu týchto rokov ,,vojna, ktorá ukončí všetky vojny”. Možno verili, že po takejto pohrome sa viac nikto nebude zaoberať myšlienkou znova bojovať. V roku 1939 však vypukla druhá svetová vojna s ešte ničivejšími dôsledkami, s väčšími stratami na životoch. Z toho môžeme usúdiť, že prvá svetová vojna predsa len nebola tá, ktorá ukončila všetky vojny. V tejto knižke sa dočítate o týchto ponurých kapitolách dejín, o kríze, ktorá predchádzala druhej svetovej vojne, o studenej vojne, ktorá ju nasledovala, zároveň aj o významných bitkách a vojnových snaženiach.
Hanita73 | Mar 6, 2022 |
Best for: People who like Amber Rose; people who like glossy how-to book with lots of pictures and not a lot of text.

In a nutshell: Amber Rose offers some (I suppose not totally shockingly) heteronormative advice to woman.

Line that sticks with me: “Don’t follow trends if they don’t look good on you.” [Note: but why not? What if you like the way they look? Does she mean if *you* don’t’ think they look good, or if society doesn’t?]

Why I chose it: It looked like it could be fun.

Review: This book is fine. Some parts - like the push to cultivate confidence and not change yourself for others - are laudible. Other parts are so focused on the idea that women will want to date men that I’m curious whether Ms. Rose is aware that non-heterosexual people exist.

In the first couple of chapters there are some clear product placements; I can tell you what skincare brand Ms. Rose uses, and what body shaping undergarment brand she prefers. I was worried this was going to carry on throughout the entire book, but that was it.

There are photos of Ms. Rose on pretty much every page. Most are glamour shots, but some are of her as a kid and teen, which are fun and sweet. There are also some good tips in here, but none that are especially groundbreaking or new, and some strike me as oddly old fashioned and gendered. She makes some pretty sweeping generalizations about what ‘men’ and ‘women’ are like, which is fairly uninspired.
ASKelmore | Aug 6, 2017 |
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